Reception visit the pantomime

Today Oak and Ash class went to Welwyn Garden City, to the Hawthorne Theatre to see the pantomime, Dick Whittington. Although we had read the story in class there were the usual additional pantomime characters which added new dimensions to the story line.   King Rat was a dastardly baddie and everyone was a little bit scared. … Read more

Apples needed!

If you have any 'windfalls' please would you bring some into school for the reception classes to print with. Thank you.

Farm Trip on Tuesday

Just a reminder about the farm visit on Tuesday. The children need to wear their school uniform and their normal school shoes. Bring named wellington boots in a named plastic bag. As the children are outside all day they will need a waterproof coat with a hood. Think about the thickness of the coat depending … Read more

A dinosaur birthday party and bread baking in reception!

The reception classes have been busy in their first few weeks at school. We discovered that one of our class dinosaurs was turning 5 so we decided to throw him a birthday party. This involved making birthday cards, decorations and decorating biscuits. We really enjoyed playing dinosaur party games. As we will soon be visiting Wimpole … Read more

Aliens in reception this week

This was our last week of learning about space and we ventured into alien territory. Making our own aliens was an exciting activity and a chance to let the imagination run riot!  Describing their aliens in writing on Tuesday was more challenging but the children tried hard to use some descriptive language to aid an … Read more

Reception in space

Hello again after a couple of ‘blog-less’ weeks! The butterflies have flown, we have had a holiday and the fete is over and here we are back for the last few weeks of your child’s reception year. Where has this year gone?  The children learnt about the moon last week, This week they made rockets … Read more

Mini-beast mayhem this week in the reception class!

Learning to recognise different types of minibeasts and hunting them down to observe formed the basis of our work this week.Having learnt all about what makes a bug an insect, Monday afternoon saw the children ‘tree shaking’ around the field to find which minibeasts live in or on the trees. Having found and collected several … Read more

Snail week in the reception class

Monday started with a quick chat with ‘talking partners’ and we soon discovered that between us we knew quite a lot about snails. A non-fiction Usborne text entitled ‘Snails’ added to the children’s knowledge and they all wrote some interesting facts for their writing in class. A story recall of ‘Odo the Snail’ on Tuesday … Read more

Butterfly week in the reception class

In class this week the children have been learning about butterflies and waiting for our Painted Lady caterpillars to arrive. They arrived after lunch and they are tiny. We will be checking them daily to see if they are eating and growing. We have read some great stories about butterflies. Starting with the informative Usborne … Read more