Ash class put on a show!

The end of the Spring term in Reception was jam-packed with activities as usual! I hope all of the children have been enjoying their Easter break and are ready for another busy term! They certainly needed a break after all the hard work (and fun) at the end of the Spring term. In Ash class, … Read more

Easter fun in Oak class

Oak class have been getting ready for Easter. Baskets are done and cards are progressing well. After break this morning the children made the most of the brief spell of sunshine for an Easter egg hunt. The winning pairs of children found twelve eggs.

Building houses (well sort of)

In reception we have been learning about different types of houses. The children in Ash class brought in pictures or their houses and their bedrooms for show and tell. They did a great job telling their classmates all about their houses. Our class dinosaurs were also caught showing an interest as we found them nosing … Read more

Pancake fun in Oak today

The children had fun today making and eating pancakes. After lunch they all took part in their own inter house pancake races. The results were very close with joint third place for Neptune and Saturn on 22 points, second for Jupiter with 23 points and first place for Mars with 24 points. All of the … Read more

Enjoying Old and New Toys in Reception

We had a busy end to the first half of the Spring term in Reception. To kick off our learning about old and new toys, the children brought in their favourite teddies. The children measured their teddies and we found out that Kesiah had the tallest teddy and Jasmine had the shortest. The children also … Read more

Working hard in Reception

We have been very busy in Ash class these last couple of weeks! Take a look at what we've been up to… First of all I would like to apologise for our lack of photos in previous weeks. We have been having problems with cameras but we now have a working class camera and will … Read more

Welcome Back!

Welcome back and a very happy and healthy New Year wish to you all. It was lovely to see everyone back last week and the children all seemed genuinely pleased to see their friends again. We had our 'Values' assembly last Thursday and Mrs Driver introduced us to the value for January which is ’Compassion’. On Monday … Read more

Christingle is celebrated in the Oak and Ash today

Oak and Ash both celebrated the Christian Christmas time celebration of Christingle this afternoon. In the story Bishop John made the first Christingle when trying to think of a story that explained God’s love to the children in a nearby village. The orange is symbolic of the world- big, round and full of goodness. The four … Read more