All dressed up in Oak today

The children in Oak today dressed up as a characters out of their books. They wrote about their character and made some World Book Day bunting to show the different characters. Pictures will be added when our internet connection improves!

Old and New toys in Reception

So far this term, we have been very busy in Reception. So busy that, once again, I must apologise for not keeping you updated with the photos! Our learning has focused on bears and old and new toys. We enjoyed exploring the story of Goldilocks and the Three Bears and had lots of fun acting … Read more

Christmas takes over in Reception!

We hope you all enjoyed the Reception Christmas show. With all the practising for the show it’s a wonder that we fit anything else in this term, though looking back through the photos serves as a reminder of just how much we have squeezed in. So when you ask your little darlings what they have … Read more

Burning off the calories and putting them back again!

Oak class burnt off lots of calories this morning by walking the five laps around the school. We could certainly see varying levels of fitness between the children!  Having finished our mile, we went to the dining room and bought a delicious cake in aid of Save the Children.

Welcome to the new Reception children!!

It has been great to finally have all of the new Reception children in class this week.The children have settled well to new routines and we have been pleasantly surprised with how calmly the children have been coming in every day. There may be more tears next week when they all begin to do full days and … Read more

Welcome to our first group of reception children

Welcome to our new children who started reception at William Ransom in Oak and Ash class this week. The children have settled really nicely and have been playing well together and settling to the routines of play times and lunch times. During adult initiated activities they have been working hard to try and write their … Read more

Reception visit Shepreth!

To finish off our topic on minibeasts, Reception visited Shepreth to find some (not so mini) minibeasts! We also enjoyed seeing lots of other animals but the bats and the tiger seemed a firm favourite!