Weekly update from Oak class

What's been happening in Oak class this week? Read on and find out.    Continuing our work on houses, on Monday we read and enjoyed ‘A Squash and a Squeeze’ by Julia Donaldson. In our afternoon lesson we started to make our clay houses using the drawing prepared over the half term holiday. A piece of … Read more

Bring your teddy to school

An exciting week all about teddy bears as the children in Oak class welcomed their teddy to William Ransom.The bears were described in the children’s writing and had their portraits painted. There was lots of discussion about the bears and comparisons made to the group of ‘old teddies’ which will form a display table in … Read more

A great first half term

What a busy first half term we had in Oak class. It was great to meet so many parents on our update on reception and consultation evenings, to discuss how the children had settled in and how parents could best support their children in their next steps to learning after the half term break. The children … Read more

Our first week back after half term

What an exciting first week of a new half term. Firework night and Diwali to learn about.  2-D and 3-D shapes explored in maths and a new value of co-operation to think about. Not to mention the 28 'Flu Superheroes' who had their flu spray on Friday! Enjoy looking at a few photographs from this week.

Welcome to 17 new children in Oak class

Seventeen new children started school in Oak class on Monday. They have had a great week, settling in well to the new experiences that school life offers. Mrs Driver was so pleased with the way that they had all settled in that she gave them a class achievement certificate.    Next week we are joined by … Read more

Shiver me timbers! Pirates take over Ash class

Today the children in Ash class seemed to have been replaced by pirates!!The day started with important pirate activities such as making the food for our pirate party. The children made their own sandwich and decorated a cake. After break, there was treasure to earn. The children had to work together to decipher a secret … Read more

Completed weaving project in Oak class.

The children in Oak class completed their weaving project this week. The first part of the project was to combine their creation of textured paper with paper weaving to create a woven mat. The second part of the project was to weave a cardboard bowl with wool. Both projects proved a challenge as they required concentration, … Read more

Life cycles in Oak class

The children in Oak class have been learning about life cycles. Last week the children learnt about frogs and in technology made clay frogs. This week they have been learning about the life cycle of a butterfly and in technology they made caterpillars and Hama bead butterflies.    Next week our topic is snails. Don't … Read more

The Easter Holidays are here!

A busy term but at least the weather allowed us to have an Easter egg hunt this morning. The children found a partner and off they ran, baskets at the ready. The boys were far more competitive and 108 out of the 116 eggs were soon found. Well done everyone, it has been a busy … Read more