Reception Home Learning 4.5.20

Well done on getting through some of the activities suggested last week – we have been so impressed with the butterflies and seeing all the other things you have been getting up to – keep it up! All activities below are for you to access when and how you can. For this week we have: … Read more

Butterflies in Reception!

Oak and Ash class were given a challenge on Monday to come up with symmetrical butterflies. It’s only been a few days and look what’s been done already! What a range of beautiful butterflies! Keeping sending in your photos – it’s great how every single butterfly is different but they are all absolutely amazing! Well … Read more

Reception Home Learning 27.4.20

It’s week 2 of the Summer term and we hope you are all doing ok. The work outlined below is for you to look through and do what you can when you can. There are lots of ideas on here to hopefully suit everyone in every situation so please look through and choose according to … Read more

20.4.20 Reception Home Learning

We hope you are all keeping safe and well. Please find below a range of resources for the week, should you need them, in addition to the information/resources sent home in March. Use those that suit your child, you and your situation – dip in as appropriate for you. Continue to play, look at books, … Read more

Home Learning 30.3.20

The Learning Pack sent home contains lots of information about what the children should be doing over this term and into the summer term. Each week we will post an update with reminders and any new resources we have come across to supplement what you already have at home. There are a range of ideas … Read more

Reception are busy, busy!

It has been lovely to see and hear, via Twitter, that Oak and Ash children have already been very busy this week. Try to find time to: Practice the words and sounds in your box, read/ listen to a book, practice using and writing your numbers to 20 and write some sentences describing an interesting … Read more

Reception Home Learning

We will be sending out packs today that contain information and resources for the period school is closed. Packs will be available in the school foyer for any children who are currently absent. The links included in the information letter will be uploaded by Friday.

A new half term in Oak class

A busy start to a new half term as oak class starts work on the new topic of houses. Pancake day or Shrove Tuesday, was fun with the story of ‘The Runaway Pancake’ and pancake making. The eating of the pancakes added some excitement to the morning and then team pancake races in the hall … Read more