Reception Learning: Week beginning 29th June 2020

Another week has flown by and the children continue to work hard and play hard whether at home or at school. The glorious weather has been delightful and the children have been very sensible. Please continue to send in sun hats, water bottles, a fruit snack and apply sun cream if the warm weather stays … Read more

Reception Learning 22.6.20

Thank you for all your continued hard work and support. The children continue to come into school confident and happy and it’s lovely to hear how well those at home are doing. Planning Those children who continue to be home schooled will need to access all the resources available below. Those children who are in … Read more

Reception Learning 15.6.20

The aliens have landed! Thank you for your photos of the weird and wonderful creations so far, please keep them coming in! Reception learning for this week continues to follow previous weeks format. Literacy Plan Literacy resources: In school rhymes sheet , Ronald the Rhino PowerPoint, In school rhyming sheet 2, rhyming strings homework, Bug … Read more

Reception Learning 8.6.20

It was lovely to see some of the children return to school last week. They all settled very quickly and worked really hard. Thank you to all the parents for preparing the children so well. The learning resources below follow the same format as before. The literacy and math plans show the teaching that will … Read more

Reception Learning From June 1st

From Monday 1st June things will be looking quite different regarding how Reception children will be learning. Some are continuing to remain at home , some remain in their keyworker group in school, some are returning to their Reception class on a Monday and Tuesday and others are returning on a Wednesday or Thursday. Whichever … Read more

Welcome Back Booklet for Reception

June 1st is fast approaching and, for some, this will mean the phased return of your child back into school. If you have chosen for your child to return to school, you will now be aware of the colour of their pod and the days and times your child will be returning. To support you … Read more

Happy Half Term!

A massive well done to everyone for getting this far! We have created a little gallery to show some of the things Reception children have been getting up to over these past weeks. Remember the important thing in all this is to stay safe, happy and well. We will continue to post online learning resources … Read more

Reception Home Learning 18.5.20

Another week has gone by and it is still great to see and hear what you have all been getting up to, either via Twitter or email. We will soon be posting a selection of the photos you have sent us over the past few weeks! Please just keep doing what you can and remember … Read more

Reception Home Learning 11.5.20

It has been lovely to continue to see and hear all the things you are have been doing while away from school. Keep going – keep doing what you can do and remember it’s important to play, listen to stories and get outside. Please find below links to the optional home learning activities although you … Read more