Year 3 Home Learning

For any children already at home you may want to start one of the following Home Learning Packs from either twinkl or the documents saved below. twinkl – Please also find attached a letter with key info and website ideas/apps to try (this letter went home yesterday), as well as a model timetable or … Read more

Science week in Maple.

This half term in Science, Year 3 are learning about Rocks and Soils. For science week, we decided to make our own erupting volcanoes. We spent a lesson creating the volcano from a cardboard box, an empty bottle and paper mache (newspaper and glue). Once our volcano was dry we were able to paint them. … Read more

Volcano Experiment in Elm class

As it is Science week this week, there have been lots of Science themed Assemblies, workshops and lessons taking place in school. Elm class had a go at making a volcano eruption using water, washing up liquid, bicarbonate of soda and vinegar. The acid and the alkali reacted to make the ‘eruption’. The children also … Read more

world Book Day

Elm class came to school dressed as their favourite book character to celebrate World Book Day. It was lovely to see so many children bring in the books that inspired their costumes and hear the children talk about their favourite stories. What a great way to celebrate reading!

Clay Peppers in Elm class

Elm class have been using fruit and vegetables as their inspiration for their Art work and this week they sculpted peppers using clay. They had to work the clay for 5 minutes so it was warm and ready to manipulate. The children had peppers on their table to study and copy and used tools such … Read more

Making sandwiches for DT

This term in DT Year 3 have been designing a healthy sandwich. We tasted bread to help us decide what to use then we talked about the fillings that would be healthy or unhealthy. The children designed their own sandwich and yesterday Maple had a go at making them. First the children buttered the bread, then … Read more

Maple Class visit the Botanic Gardens

Maple had a great time visiting the Botanic Gardens in Cambridge last week. The children completed a number of activities including seed planting and identifying different plants and trees. Have a look at some of our photos!

Elm Class Bollywood Dance Assembly

Elm class performed their class Assembly to the rest of the school on Wednesday 5th February. They showcased the Bollywood dancing they have been learning in their PE lessons this half term. The children all spoke their lines clearly and danced beautifully. The colourful costumes really added to the performance. Here are some photos.

Elm Class visit Cambridge Botanic Gardens

On Tuesday 4th February Elm class visited the Botanic Gardens in Cambridge as part of their Science work on plants. Throughout the morning they took part in three activities – planting a seed, learning how plants adapt to their environment and taking part in a scavenger hunt. After lunch the children had a go at … Read more

Pattern work in Art for Year 3

Year 3 have been looking at patterns in Art this half term. Elm class produced a lovely display, showing off their pattern work.  We looked at the work of abstract artist Wassily Kandinsky. We talked about the primary colours and how we could mix them to make secondary colours.  The children in Maple had a … Read more