Year 3 Home Learning – Summer Week 7

We’ve seen some more fantastic work this week and we are so proud of how you are all doing, keep up the good work! Please aim to do some daily Maths and English/other foundation work. As usual, you can contact us on email or via twitter @Year3WR for any support or clarification that you need. … Read more

Year 3 Home Learning – Summer Week 6

We hope you had a relaxing half term break and enjoyed the sunshine! Please continue to try to do some daily Maths and English/other foundation work (remember any reading/written work can count as English if you are short on time.) As usual, you can contact us on email or via twitter @Year3WR for any support … Read more

Year 3 Home Learning – Summer Week 5

And so we (almost) made it to the end of another half term. It’s been wonderful to hear from lots of you by email and twitter and see what you’ve been up to. Please continue to aim to do some daily Maths and English and whatever foundation work you have time for. Remember, English work … Read more

Year 3 Home Learning – Summer Week 3

Please find below Maths and English activities for you to complete, as well as some ideas for foundation subjects to choose from. As Friday is a Bank Holiday there is no Maths lesson set for Friday and we would encourage you to take the day off from Home Learning and perhaps try some of the … Read more

Year 3 Home Learning – Summer Week 1

We hope that you have had a lovely Easter break and enjoyed the sunshine! As we start back for the Summer Term, we have put together a number of activities for the children to have a go at. We understand that many of you are also working from home so please do not feel under … Read more

Wishing a Happy Easter to Year 3!

Well, we made it to the end of term – and you made it to the end of week 2 of home learning! We hope that you are in a position to enjoy two weeks off from home learning and really enjoy some family time without the added pressure of schoolwork. It’s important to relax … Read more

Year 3 Home Learning Week 2.

We hope that you’ve had a great first week of home learning and we’ve enjoyed seeing lots of your work on Twitter! For anyone not following us we are @Year3WR. This week we have asked you to continue working through the work set last week. Here is a tick list of the activities set so … Read more

Year 3 Home Learning

Please find below work for home learning in Year 3 (attachments at the end). For now, we are keeping it simple; lots of the resources are the same booklets/ideas that came home last week as most children were still in school until Friday. Please have a go at these over the next week/two weeks. Our … Read more