Meet our Moving Monsters!

In D&T this term, Year 3 have been studying things that use air to make them work. We learnt that these are called ‘pneumatic systems’. We designed our own monsters using air to make different parts of our monsters move. We are very proud of our amazing monsters.

The River Nile in Ancient Egypt

Year 3 have been learning about Ancient Egypt this term. We discovered that many Ancient Egyptians lived close to the River Nile as it was very important to them. As well as providing water and a means of transport, the land around the Nile was fertile and good for farming. Away from the Nile, there … Read more

Year 3 are bright sparks!

Year 3 have been learning about light as part of Science this term. They began by working in teams to sort objects which are sources of light from those which are not. They discussed that darkness is the absence of light. Then they used their sense of touch to identify the items in the feely … Read more

Year 3 Myths

In our English lessons this term, Year 3 have been studying myths. We read lots of Greek myths and learnt all about heroes, quests and fearsome mythological creatures. We created our own mythological creatures and finished our topic by writing our own myths. We hope you enjoy reading some of our exciting stories.

Year 3 D&T ‘Project Pencil Case’

Year 3 have been very hard at work practising their design and technology skills, ready to create their own pencil case. First, they investigated different types of pencil cases. Then they practised their drawing skills. Have a look at some of their lovely stationery drawings below: Next, they practised sewing using different types of stitch. … Read more

Year 3 – Home Learning Spring Week 1

Dear Parents, Please find below some online learning for Year 3 Maple and Elm Class. We are aware some of the work set relies on the children having access to a device and the internet.  Although feedback from the home learning survey confirmed children have access to these, we do understand some children might be … Read more

Science rocks!

Year three have enjoyed their science investigations learning about rocks. They have closely examined the physical characteristics of rocks and planned and carried out tests. The children have tested different types of rocks for hardness, water permeability, density and durability. They made sure the experiments were fair and recorded their results in a table. Keep … Read more