World Book Day in Year 3

Year 3 had a brilliant time celebrating world book day yesterday. We virtually met Sarah Oliver, an author and created some ideas for our own book based on her story, Pollyanne. We designed front covers and blurbs for our stories! We loved dressing up as our favourite book characters and discussing why we had chosen … Read more

Year 3’s prehistoric trip to Celtic Harmony

Year 3 travelled back in time on Monday to visit Celtic Harmony camp where they experienced life in the prehistoric period from the Stone Age to the Iron Age. Inside the Chieftain’s roundhouse, our guide Weylin showed us how to start a fire without using matches. Then they had the opportunity to learn many prehistoric … Read more

Year 3 Super Salads!

Year 3 have been very hard at work this term in design and technology. At the beginning of the term, the children used technology to research and learn about lots of different types of salad. They then tasted and evaluated different salad ingredients, before interviewing someone in their family about their favourite ingredients. After planning … Read more

Awesome Axes

Elm and Maple class have been learning all about life in the Stone Age. We discovered that Stone Age people were very clever and made lots of tools out of stone and wood. In our Art lessons, we have been studying 3D modelling using a range of media, including clay and papier maché. We decided … Read more

Year 3 visitors

Year 3 have been enjoying their Science lessons this term learning about the Skeleton. We have learnt some scientific names for human bones and then compared these to animal bones. We really enjoyed observing some wriggly worms, which have hydrostatic skeletons. We watched them carefully and wrote down what we noticed about the way they … Read more

Year 3 can walk like an Egyptian!

Year 3 had a fantastic Friday learning all about Ancient Egypt in an immersive experience day. They all came dressed to impress, making it hard to take the register! Who was Cleopatra and who was Nefertiti? They started the day by becoming slaves! They had many jobs to carry out including creating canopic jars for … Read more