Year 3 Visit to Radlett Reform Synagogue

This week, Maple and Elm Classes had a chance to visit the Radlett Reform Synagogue. Year 3 completed an RE unit on Judaism last term, and it was fantastic to see how much the children remembered! They knew all about the stories, traditions, symbols and special objects in the synagogue, and it was wonderful to … Read more

Perfect Printing

Year 3 have been looking at printing in Art this term. We have looked at various different methods of printing, including using potato prints, making printing blocks from salt dough and creating blocks using Styrofoam tiles. We are very proud of our results and think you will be too!

Celtic Harmony trip

Year 3 travelled back in time to Celtic Harmony to experience life in the Stone Age. We became the Hawk and Owl tribes and spent the day learning essential skills to survive in the Stone Age. We learnt how to make fire, build dens, make tools by flint-knapping, hunt animals and gather other food, make … Read more

Circus Science in Year 3

As part of our topic on Forces, Year 3 took part in a Circus Science workshop. We discovered that the forces we have been learning about play a part in many circus skills such as juggling, plate spinning and even riding unicycles. Nick from Shooting Stars showed us forces in action in a Circus Science … Read more

Birthday Celebrations in Year 3

Year 3 had a fun-filled day of games and activities to celebrate William Ransom School’s 50th birthday. We enjoyed the inflatables, archery and Nerf battle in the morning. In the afternoon, we made party hats, played games and ate birthday cake. What a fabulous day. Happy Birthday, William Ransom School!

Year 3 Meet The Parents

It was lovely to see so many parents this morning. We hope you found the information useful. For those who would like to see the presentation again, and for those parents who were unable to attend, please find the PowerPoint below.

We want our mummies!

Year 3 have been learning all about mummification. In Ancient Egypt, many people believed that, after they died, they would make a journey to the afterlife. Rich people went to great lengths to preserve dead bodies to keep them in good condition to make the afterlife journey. This process is called mummification. Once we had … Read more

Designer Desk Tidies in Year 3

In D&T this half term, Year 3 have been learning about shell structures. We learnt that structures are objects constructed from several parts and that they can be any size, from huge bridges to table lamps and hat stands. We found out that shell structures are hollow with a thin outer coating. They are usually … Read more

Who is our school named after?

This half term in History, Year 3 have enjoyed investigating who William Ransom was! The children worked together with teachers to collate information from a range of sources and began to create fact files about Ransom’s life. Mrs Driver spoke to Jane Ransom, who shared her knowledge, which we added to the information we had … Read more