Holly Class Feed the Birds!

This weekend is the Big Garden Birdwatch. Be wowed by your local wildlife. Big Garden Birdwatch is for everyone, whether you’re a complete beginner or a birding expert and it’s easy to take part. Simply count the birds you see in your garden, from your balcony or in your local park for one hour between … Read more

Dotty about Art!

Holly class have started learning about pattern and colour by studying the work of Georges Seurat. Using the Pointillist style, they recreated one of his famous pieces by using cotton buds and paint. In PE lessons, they have been practising football skills including dribbling and passing using the inside of of their feet. They have … Read more

Hedgehog Houses in Hazel class

Hazel class have made their hedgehog houses and put them in the nature area. The children are hoping some hedgehogs will choose to hibernate in them over the winter months. The children followed the instructions they had written yesterday to make the houses. They tried to camouflage them so they would fit in with the … Read more

Hedgehogs Visit Year 1

For the past week Year 1 have been learning all about hedgehogs in English. Today we were lucky enough to be visited by Woodys Wildlife Rescue who taught us lots of new facts. We even got to meet some!

Great Fire of London Day!

Hazel class had a great time travelling back to 1666! They had a little taste of what life would have been like during the Great Fire of London. They baked soda bread, watched some Tudor houses burn, passed buckets of water along a line and created some beautiful Art work. Special thanks to Mr Carmody … Read more

Holly go back in time to 1666!

Today, Year One went back in time to Sunday 2nd September 1666, the day the Great Fire of London started. We started the day by making soda bread because the fire started in Thomas Farriner’s bakery on Pudding Lane in London. Then we recreated the streets of London with our houses and set them on … Read more

A Busy First Half Term in Year One!

What a busy half term we’ve had in Year One – now time for a well earned rest! This week, Year One all finished their Tudor Houses in preparation for our Great Fire of London day on Tuesday 9th November. Hazel class also went out looking for signs of autumn and Holly class went hunting … Read more

Self Portraits in Hazel class

In Art this week the children in Hazel class have had a go at drawing self portraits. They spent the first part of the lesson studying their features in the mirror and then had a go at sketching what they could see. They tried hard to pick the right colouring pencils for eye, hair and … Read more

Hazel enjoy some yoga!

Hazel class have been learning some yoga in their PE lesson this week. They really enjoyed learning the new poses and tried hard to improve their balance and coordination. Here are some photos of Hazel class doing the yoga to a story about a stick insect called Stella!

An update from Hazel Class!

Since settling in to life in year 1 the children in Hazel Class have continued to work really hard. In English we’ve practiced using 100 squares by creating our own games of snakes and ladders. In English we’ve read Knuffle Bunny and used our inner thespians to act out the story excellently. All whilst learning … Read more