Capacity work in Hazel class

Hazel class have enjoyed exploring volume in their capacity work this week. They tried to work out which containers held the most and the least amount of water. They worked as a team to count how many cups of water it took to fill up the larger containers and they were then able to order … Read more

A Fun Week in Year 1

What a busy week we’ve had in Year 1! On Thursday, a real life pilot came in to talk to us about the history of flight and flying modern aeroplanes. The children learnt how different planes are now compared to the first planes and pilots we have been learning about in History. Lots of them … Read more

World Book Day!

Hazel class had an amazing World Book Day. Everyone came dressed up in wonderful costumes and shared their favourite books with each other. The children met a real author called Sarah Oliver and then became authors of their own by writing books. We finished the day by creating potato characters! Can you guess who is … Read more

Hazel Class Visit Shuttleworth

On Tuesday 1st March Hazel class had an amazing day at Shuttleworth, starting with a ride on a coach. When we arrived we split into groups and were shown around the gigantic hangars. There were so many different planes, cars, bikes and busses to see and learn about! The children remembered lots of facts about … Read more

Gymnastics in Hazel class!

The children in Hazel class have been enjoying exploring the big apparatus in their gymnastics lessons. We have done a lot of work on jumping and landing safely, finding interesting ways to move and discovering what shapes we can make with our bodies. We have also learned how to put the equipment away safely!

What a Collection of Characters!

Holly class had a fabulous World Book Day. Everyone came dressed up in fantastic costumes and shared their favourite books with each other. The children met a real author called Sarah Oliver and then became authors of their own by writing books called “The Best Week Ever!” inspired by one of her books. They finished … Read more

Holly Class Visit Shuttleworth

What an amazing day out we had at Shuttleworth today, starting with a ride on a coach. When we arrived we split into groups and were shown around the enormous hangars. There were so many different kinds of transport to see and learn about! The children remembered lots of facts about the first pioneers flight … Read more

Paper Aeroplanes

As part of their work in History, Hazel class have been learning about early aeroplanes and the first recorded flights. They had a go at making their own aeroplanes out of paper. They carefully followed the instructions to fold the paper correctly and then went outside to see whose plane would fly the furthest. The … Read more

Bird Feeders in Hazel Class

Hazel class have been learning about owls as part of their English work over the last couple of weeks. As it was also the Big Garden Bird Watch this weekend they had a go at making their own bird feeders out of pine cones, lard and seeds. We are sure the birds will appreciate some … Read more

Finger Puppets in Hazel Class

As part of their work on making and exploring puppets, Hazel class had a go at making finger puppets out of card. The children had to follow the instructions written on the board and used the templates provided. What do you think of the finished results?