World Book Day in Hazel Class

On World Book Day, all the children enjoyed dressing up as their favourite character from a book. Everyone looked amazing! The children spoke about who they were dressed as and they enjoyed making a model of their character in the afternoon.

Characters in Holly Class

On World Book Day, all the children enjoyed dressing up as their favourite character from a book. It was great to see so many different stories. They enjoyed sharing their books and also made a model of their character. We also took part in some magical Harry Potter yoga – flying on broomsticks and casting … Read more

Hazel class go for a walk

This morning Hazel class have been for a walk in the local area as part of their Geography work. They had a checklist of things to look out for on the way. These included Pinehill hospital, Walsworth church, Highbury Lodge and the Post Office. They also spotted lots of houses, a zebra crossing and a … Read more

Hazel class – Peter Pan Assembly

Hazel class really enjoyed performing their class assembly in front of lots of parents this morning! They spoke loudly and clearly and sang and danced enthusiastically! We hope you all enjoyed watching it here are some photos of the children in their costumes.

Hazel class made bird feeders!

As part of their work in Design Technology Hazel class enjoyed making bird feeders this week. They used pine cones and stuffed them with lard and bird seed. They then added string so the bird feeders can be hung from a tree. This also tied in with the work the children have been doing in … Read more

A Busy Half Term in Holly

Here are a few of the many activities the children do during morning work, when they first arrive at school each day. This provides them with an opportunity to practise skills as they settle into their day. This includes: fine motor skills, maths facts, cutting skills, problem solving and letter formation to name a few. … Read more

Finger Puppet fun in Hazel class!

Puppets are our topic in Design and Technology this term. We have looked at various types of puppets and had fun exploring and playing with them. This week we had a go at making our own finger puppets. The children were given a template to colour and cut out. They then had to join the … Read more

Tree-mendous Holly Class!

Holly class performed their part in the Key Stage 1 Christmas Show this week, all about the tradition of the Christmas tree. Everyone was amazing – singing, dancing and speaking their lines clearly. Well done Key Stage One – a fantastic show!

Hedgehogs Visit Year 1

Hedgehogs in Holly and Hazel Class In English, the children have been learning all about hedgehogs. We’ve written instructions on how to make hedgehog houses, looked at the features of non-fiction books and drawn and labelled our hedgehog pictures. Last week Holly and Hazel class were very excited to receive a visit from Woodys Wildlife … Read more