Globe Trotting Holly Class

What a fantastic day we had travelling to different countries and learning all about their culture and language. Thank you so much to all the parents – the children had such a fun day. It was also great to celebrate all the different countries Holly class are from. We started in Bolivia where we learnt … Read more

Settling into Holly Class

The children are all settling in well to Year One and getting used to their new surroundings and routines. Once they have sorted their books and belongings at the start of the day, they enjoy practising different skills at their tables – here are a few of their construction creations. In our outdoor PE lessons, … Read more

Play and Learn in Year One!

Our new Play and Learn areas are ready for the children to explore. We have several different areas for the children to enjoy including a writing table, a maths area, a reading area, a construction area and an investigation area. New activities will be put out each week which will be linked to the topics … Read more

Year 1 enjoy Maths day!

Holly and Hazel enjoyed taking part in Maths day on Tuesday 6th June. They met Major Tom who set the challenge of working out which candidate would be the next British astronaut. Year 1 had to work out who could work the longest in micro-gravity – they needed to use their maths skills to work … Read more

Nature in Art

Hazel class have been exploring nature in Art over the last couple of weeks. They went out onto the field to have a go at sketching natural objects such as flowers, leaves, bark, twigs and stones. The children looked carefully at the objects and tried to copy the lines, patterns, light and shadows in their … Read more

Fruit Kebabs in Hazel Class

In DT this week Hazel class have enjoyed making their own fruit kebabs. After learning about food hygiene and how to correctly prepare fruit, the children designed and then made their fruit kebabs. The children really enjoyed this activity and did a great job!

Healthy in Holly

As part of our Design and Technology work, the children designed, made and ate healthy fruit kebabs. We started by looking at all the different fruits and vegetables, including where they come from and what part of the plant we eat. After learning about food hygiene, we then went on to practise some useful skills: … Read more

Art From Nature – Holly Class

In art, we have been learning about how sculptors use nature in their art and often start by sketching ideas. Having studied some natural objects closely, by sketching in different ways, Holly class then had fun creating interesting sculptures using objects collected from nature.