ICT work

Class 1R have been finding out that ICT involves more than just computers! The children were asked to bring remote control toys and hand held gaming devices into school today for a special ICT lesson. They had fun exploring the equipment and finding out how to use the different features on the toys and games. … Read more

World Book Day!

All the pupils were invited to come to school today dressed as their favourite book character to celebrate World Book Day. Class 1R looked fantastic in their costumes. Can you spot Fantastic Mr Fox, Spiderman, Jessie and all the Disney princesses in the photos?!

Class 1R’s visit to the library

As part of the Children’s Book Week activities, Class 1R visited Hitchin library. They were met by the librarian who told them a little about the library before reading them her favourite children’s book, ‘Pass the Jam, Jim’. There was an opportunity for the children to look around the children’s section of the library and … Read more

Class 1R’s Assembly

Class 1R have been learning all about Chinese New Year. We decided to share what we had learned with the rest of the school through a class assembly. The children learned their lines and practised speaking loudly and clearly. We told the school about the twelve animals in the Chinese Zodiac and that 2013 is … Read more

KS1 Art Day – Lowry

The day began with a whole school assembly where we found out lots of information about Lowry’s life. Key Stage One stayed in the Hall for the rest of the morning learning how to sketch people and buildings in Lowry’s style. Then in the afternoon we learned how to paint our sketches using only white, … Read more

Pinehill Field

We have been learning about our local environment in Geography. Today we compared two areas near to the school. We visited Holdbrook first and noticed the houses, cars and huge lorry in the road. We then visited Pinehill field which was green, muddy and a large open space. We much preferred Pinehill field!


We read a poem about bears and this inspired us to write our own poems about cats! We thought of lots of words that rhyme with cat and then put them into funny sentences. We had to remember to use the rhyming word at the end of our sentences.


In our art lesson we created collage snowmen using crepe paper, tissue paper, felt and multi-coloured fabric. The children had to follow a set of instructions to create their snowmen We hope you enjoy looking at them.

Show and Tell

The children are given a theme each week for Show and Tell. This week’s theme was ‘favourite Christmas presents’. The class enjoyed looking at Cassidy’s Cinderella dress, Anusha’s bracelet, Jake’s remote control toy, Kalleigh’s blanket and Isabelle’s musical book.Next week’s theme is ‘Animals’.

Christmas Production – The Nativity

As part of the Christmas Production, The Missing Present, each class was responsible for presenting an aspect of Christmas from their chosen country. As is always the case, some of links were a little tenuous, but nonetheless, all were great fun. We hope to be able to make the photographs available to you in the … Read more