Capacity work

Class 1R have been doing some capacity work in Maths this week. They were given a variety of containers and plenty of water to work with. They had to decide which containers held the most water and which held the least. Everyone worked well in their groups and were able to find the right containers, … Read more

Leaf Printing

Class 1R have been learning how to print using leaves. They had to find the ‘bumpy’ side of the leaf and then paint it using Autumn colours. They smoothed the leaf onto black sugar paper, taking care not to smudge the paint. The end results look great!


Class 1R have been designing their own puppets in Design Technology lessons. They looked at different types of puppets and the materials they are made from. They then designed their own puppet based on favourite characters. We had everything from mermaids to firemen! Next week the children are going to make their puppets using sugar … Read more

Class 1R’s Teddy Bears Picnic

On Friday afternoon Class 1R and their teddies were invited to a Teddy Bears Picnic on the school field. The children enjoyed taking part in teddy bear races, games, songs and a picnic. They tucked into Billy Bear sandwiches, Pom Bear crisps and Gummi bears!Everyone had a lovely time in the sunshine!

Design Technology work in Class 1R

The children in Class 1R have been learning how to prepare fruit and vegetables. They had a go at washing, peeling, grating, slicing and squeezing various fruit and vegetables. They then got to try some of the food at the end of the lesson. The strawberries were very popular!The children have now designed their own … Read more


Class 1R have been patiently waiting for their caterpillars to transform into butterflies.Over the last few weeks we have watched the caterpillars grow and grow. They eventually hung upside down in their little pot and then shed their exoskeletons, revealing the chrysalises. A few days later the butterflies pushed their way out of the chrysalises. … Read more

Planting Sunflower seeds!

Class 1R have been learning about plants in their Science lessons. They have been looking at the parts of a plant and learning how to look after them. They are going to put these skills to the test and see if they can grow their own sunflowers! The children carefully planted two sunflower seeds in … Read more

Making Jam Sandwiches!

Class 1R had to write instructions for making a jam sandwich in their Literacy lesson this week. They did such a good job it seemed only fair to let them have a go at making the sandwiches following their own instructions! The children thoroughly enjoyed the activity and all successfully made a yummy jam sandwich. … Read more

Victorian toys

Class 1R have been learning about the Victorian period in History. This week the children have been looking at Victorian toys and comparing them to the toys we play with today.The toys included a spinning top, a pop gun, Jacob’s ladder, a hobby horse and a tumbling man. The children noticed how none of the … Read more

ICT work in Class 1R

The children in Class 1R were asked to bring in sound responsive toys as part of our work in ICT. They are learning that ICT includes more than just computers! The children brought in a great selection of toys including dogs that moved and barked when we clapped our hands, a Bop It game, a … Read more