Key Stage One Book Quiz

As part of the celebrations for Children’s Book Week we held a book quiz for all the classes in Key Stage One. On Friday afternoon the children in classes R, 1R, 1/2 and 2 were invited down to the Hall to take part in a book quiz. Mrs Tite was the quiz master and the … Read more

Class 1R’s World Book Day Assembly

Class 1R performed an assembly on World Book Day to the rest of the school. The Assembly was about all the exciting things that were going on in school for World Book Day and Children’s Book Week. We also shared some of our favourite books and we learned a song (with actions!) about reading. The … Read more

World Book day 2014

Class 1R loved dressing as their favourite book characters for World Book Day! There was a great range of characters – we had everything from Maid Marion to Peter Rabbit (and not to mention lots of Harry Potters!) The costumes were fantastic and it gave us lots of inspiration to talk about and write about … Read more

Road Safety Talk

Classes R and 1R were given a talk about road safety. They learned why it is so important to cross a road safely and how to do so. They were also told about the importance of wearing a seatbelt. The children sang a song about road safety called ‘Stop, look, listen’ and there were actions … Read more

Winter work in Class 1R

Class 1R have been doing lots of winter work this week. They read a story called ‘The Snowy Day’ which is about a boy called Peter having lots of fun in the snow. The children wrote their own version of this story and made snowmen pictures to go with it. The snowmen are made from … Read more


Class 1R spent yesterday morning making Christingles. Mrs Tite read the children the story of how Bishop John made the first Christingle. The children then made their own using oranges to represent the world, four cocktail sticks to show the four seasons, fruits and sweets to show the goodness in the world, a candle to … Read more

Class 1R turn into clowns for a morning!

Class 1R performed a class Assembly based on the story ‘Do-Whacky-Do’. The children were really excited about performing this story and a clown dance in front of the whole school. They learnt their lines very well and everyone spoke loudly and clearly.The children looked fantastic in their costumes – there were crazy wigs, silly noses … Read more

Class 1R have been planting tulips!

Class 1R have planted some tulip bulbs in the bed outside Class 1/2. We had to make sure the roots were facing down into the soil, then push the bulb in with our fingers. We can’t wait for the flowers to grow!We are going to plant some onions in the next bed (look out for … Read more