KS1 Artist Day – Henri Rousseau

Key Stage One have spent the day learning about and being inspired by the artist Henri Rousseau! They attended an Assembly this morning about the life of Rousseau where they learnt some interesting facts about him as well as looking at some of his pieces of work. This was followed by a sketching workshop and … Read more

Class 1R have been for a walk!

Class 1R have been learning about houses in their Geography lessons.  Today they have learnt the names of different types of houses such as detached, bungalow and terraced.  They went for a walk to see if they could identify these types of houses.  Mrs Thorn kept a tally of what they saw and the children recorded this … Read more

Observational drawings

Class 1R have been learning how to do observational drawings.  Today they had a go at drawing shells.  They were told to look closely at the size, shape, colour and texture of the shells.  They then had to draw the shells just using a pencil.  Some of the children had a go at shading as well … Read more

Computing work in class 1R

The children in Class 1R had a lesson on using digital cameras.  They were shown how to take photos, zoom in and out, and how to look at photos they had already taken.  They set out with the task of taking an interesting photo of something in the school grounds.  I think the selfie is the … Read more

Poetry Work

Class 1R have been learning how to write and recite poems this week. The poems they have been looking at have all been about worms! The children had a lot of fun writing their own poems about what it would be like to eat a worm.  Yuck!!

Poetry Work!

Class 1R have been learning how to write and recite poetry this week. Here is a video of the whole class reciting a poem called ‘Nobody Likes Me’.

Festival of Languages

Class 1R took part in the Festival of Languages on Monday 29th September.  The children were given a special William Ransom passport which meant they could 'visit' Germany, Italy, Mexico, China and France. They visited Germany first, where they learned how to count to 10 and watched a funny cartoon about a crocodile called Schnappi.  Next … Read more

Teddy Bears Picnic

Class 1R enjoyed a Teddy Bears Picnic on the school field this afternoon. Everyone brought in their favourite teddy bear and took part in teddy bear races, a game called Teddy Teddy Bear and Teddy Bear show and tell. We had a picnic to finish and everyone enjoyed the jam sandwiches, teddy bear crisps and … Read more

World Cup fever hits Class 1R!

When the World Cup trophy was discovered on the school field Class 1R decided to learn a bit more about the host country, Brazil. They found out that Brazil is a long way from England and is also much bigger. They learned that Portuguese is spoken there and they found out that pumas and jaguars … Read more

Class 1R’s Minibeast Assembly

Last week Class 1R performed an Assembly on Minibeasts. They had read an information book called ‘Minibeast Encyclopedia’ in their Literacy lessons and this was their inspiration. Everyone had a line to learn for the Assembly and they all spoke in loud, clear voices. They showed some minibeast artwork, sang the rhyme ‘Incy Wincy Spider’ … Read more