Christingles in Hazel Class

As part of their work in RE, Hazel class learned about Christingles. The children used satsumas to represent the world, candles to represent Jesus’ light, sweets and dried fruit to represent the four seasons and a red ribbon to represent God’s love for the world.

Hedgehog Houses

In English this week, Year One have been learning how to write instructions using bossy verbs and time connectives. We worked together to write instructions how to build a hedgehog house. Today they all had lots of fun following their instructions and took them down to the nature area. Hopefully they’ll have some new residents … Read more

Hedgehog visit in Holly and Hazel!

The Year 1 classes have been learning all about hedgehogs over the last couple of weeks and today they got to see a real hedgehog in their classroom! The children learned some interesting facts about hedgehogs, and what they can do to help look after them in the wild. Some of the children even got … Read more

Great Fire of London Day in Hazel Class!

Hazel class had a fantastic time when they were transported back to the year 1666. In the morning they had a go at making soda bread, watched their Tudor houses burn and wrote a diary entry just like Samuel Pepys. In the afternoon they created some beautiful Great Fire of London pictures using oil pastels. … Read more

Busy Bees in Holly Class

As we reach the end of a busy half term, I thought I’d share a few of the many exciting things we have learnt in Holly class. In our indoor PE lessons, the children have been learning to balance on different parts of the body. They then chose interesting ways to move along benches and … Read more

Science in Hazel class

As part of their work on minibeasts the children went for a walk in the nature area. The children predicted what minibeasts they might see beforehand and also discussed how they could look at the minibeasts safely and without harming them in any way. The children learned about the food and shelter available in our … Read more

English and Maths lessons in Hazel class

Hazel class have been enjoying some very active English and Maths lessons recently. They had to make their own Snakes and Ladders game using a 100 square as a template. They were also practising their adding skills when they moved the counters along the board. In English, the children acted out the story of Knuffle … Read more

Festival of Languages

Hazel class had a great time celebrating Festival of Languages day! They ‘visited’ lots of interesting countries such as Bolivia, Argentina and Mexico. Everyone really enjoyed learning about different cultures and finding out more about other parts of the world. Thank you to everyone who came into school and made it possible!