That’s a wrap!

What a festive morning we had in Year 1 today! All the adults would just like to say a huge “Well Done!” to all the children in Year 1 for their fantastic performances in this year’s show. I think it’s fair to say we may have some Hollywood stars in the making! Watch this space … Read more

Help the Hedgehogs!

Year 1 have been doing some fantastic learning the last couple of weeks about hedgehogs. Today we were super lucky to get a visit from Woodys Wildlife Rescue. The children were all keen to show off the amazing facts they had learnt about hedgehogs and listened carefully to the Rescuers about how we can help … Read more

Autumn in Year One

“It’s the first day of autumn! A time of hot chocolatey mornings and toasty marshmallow evenings, and best of all, leaping into leaves!” Winnie The Pooh Holly and Hazel class have been exploring autumn as part of our science work. We have looked for signs of autumn around the school grounds and used all of … Read more

Lest we forget

Year 1 have done some wonderful learning based around Remembrance Day. Hazel class spent an afternoon learning all about the importance of it and the reasons why we wear poppies. The poppy wreath has looked beautiful in our window this week. In music both Hazel and Holly class listened to a song version of ‘In … Read more

The Great Fire of William Ransom

Year One had a fantastic day learning all about the Great Fire of London. We started by making bread as they would have done in 1666. Then we watched our houses burn and we saw how the fire breaks helped to stop the fire. The children wrote some great diary entries. In the afternoon, the … Read more

We love Frida Kahlo!

Hazel class have been building up to completing a self portrait inspired by the amazing Frida Kahlo this half term. I think you will agree that they have done an absolutely amazing job! They have spent time learning about Frida Kahlo’s life and paintings and have truly been inspired by her work.

Getting Creative in Holly Class

In Art this term, we are learning all about portraits. We started by looking at some famous portraits from artists such as Frida Kahlo, Andy Warhol, Vincent Van Gogh and Leonardo da Vinci. Then we looked at proportions and started sketching self portraits, looking closely at our features. After that, the children painted portraits, working … Read more

In Hazel Class over the last couple of weeks we have been talking about how to behave appropriately in our classroom and on the playground. It has been a long time since we have had to share a space indoors with 30 others and a playground with 60 other children! The children all enjoyed the … Read more

First Day Back

We have had a wonderful first day back to school and are so proud of all the Year One children. They have settled in brilliantly and coped very well with lots of new routines and expectations. Well done to you all. We thought you would like to see the decorated balloons up on display, they … Read more