Mini Marathon Magic!

Holly class ran miles and miles on Friday! As part of the mini London Marathon in Schools, they ran 300 laps of the school field, which worked out to be a total of 60 miles. What an amazing achievement, they should all be very proud of themselves.

A Great Start to Year One!

The Year Ones have made a super start to the year, learning and practising lots of new skills. In art, we have been looking at colour mixing and in Design and Technology we have been trying different ways to join paper. Friday was Language Day, and it was lovely to hear about so many different … Read more

Sunny Sports!

What a beautiful morning we were gifted for our Sports Morning today. The children showed great spirit and sportsmanship! Well done to all of Year 1 who took part!

A Fun Day Out!

As Winnie The Pooh says “We didn’t realise we were making memories, we were just having fun.” That’s exactly what the Year Ones were doing yesterday at Aldenham Country Park! We had an amazing day out exploring Hundred Aker Wood, doing lots of fun activities and finishing off with a trip to the farm to … Read more

Visiting Winnie the Pooh!

Year One had such a fabulous day out at Aldenham Country Park! The children were very excited to be going on a coach to visit Winnie the Pooh’s 100 Aker Wood. We had such a busy day visiting all the houses of Winnie the Pooh and his friends and we even walked as far as … Read more

Busy Hazel Class!

We’ve had such a busy week in Hazel class and have made the most of the glorious, sunny weather. We planted basil seeds in science and will be watching and recording our observations of the seeds over the coming weeks. On Wednesday morning the children took part in activities organised by Rising Stars and had … Read more

Jolly in Holly!

What an exciting morning we had trying out lots of fun activities! For our Well-being morning we had the opportunity to try out lots of great activities including: Hungry Hippos – sliding around on skateboards; an inflatable Pirate Ship to race through and over; an inflatable Rodeo Bull and we also had a go at … Read more

Year 1 Exploring Nature

Nature is the theme for this year’s Mental Health Awareness week. Being in nature and interacting with nature can reduce anxiety and make us feel more positive. Year One have been learning about wild flowers in our Science lessons and exploring nature in our art lessons. We sketched wild flowers and used natural objects to … Read more

Year One Traffic Survey

In Geography, Year One have been looking at the local area and how we can make it a safer place to live. As part of this topic, all of the children walked to Wymondley Road to take a traffic survey. We were really impressed with the behaviour of all the children. They listened to instructions … Read more

Year One – Cracking Contraptions!

This week is British Science week and we have celebrated in Year One by having a full day of science! The theme is Innovating For The Future and our focus has been on homes. The children were introduced to ideas about what our homes might look like in the future, how they might be powered … Read more