World Book Day Fun

We had a great day imagining we were at Hogwarts on World Book Day.  The children really enjoyed dressing up and getting into character for the day. They shared their favourite books and characters with the class, had lessons with a magical twist and even played in a Quidditch tournament during PE!

World Book Week – Story telling workshop

We began World Book Week with a story telling workshop.  In assembly, the Story Teller told a story to all KS2 classes set in the time of King Arthur using only her voice and body movements to bring the story to life.  It was a really exciting tale and the children were transfixed!  After assembly … Read more

Class 3 make healthy sandwiches

Class 3 planned, made and evaluated healthy sandwiches – and got to eat them too!  They began by thinking about what a healthy well-balanced diet should include and the different food groups.  The Class then focused on transferring this knowledge to tasting and assessing different breads and fillings before planning and making some very tasty … Read more

Pottery in Class 3

Class 3 have been learning about how the Bell Beaker People brought their knowledge and skills of smelting bronze and making tools, jewellery and weapons to Britain during the Bronze Age.  As the Beaker People were known for making beautifully decorated clay pots we thought it would be fun to have a go at designing and making … Read more

Fingers all accounted for!

Class 3 has been using hack saws and learning how to saw safely as part of their unit of work in DT. As part of this unit, the children firstly designed and made their own highly decorated cardboard photo frames and moved on to making a contemporary design, which may end up under the Christmas tree … Read more


In Art Class 3 have been exploring how relationships are portrayed in paintings, drawings and photographs. We studied the composition of lots of different pictures and paintings whilst discussing how the artist communicated the relationship of the people in the pictures.  The children then posed in groups and took it in turns to sketch different poses thinking all … Read more

Class 3 meet Twig the Tortoise

As part of their literacy topic on information texts Class 3 have written information booklets about how to look after a pet tortoise.  To allow the children to have first-hand experience of a tortoise and it's needs, Mrs Davis-Plummer kindly brought her pet tortoise Twig into the classroom and spoke to the children about Twig's … Read more

Recorder Reggae

Class 3 learned to play part of Bob Marley's Three Little Birds on the recorder last week. Along with the backing music, they played the notes B and C to complete the bass line. It was really good fun and dreadlocks were not needed! 

Class 3s Fabulous Photo Frames!

Class 3 today took home their fabulous photo frames. Professionally made and beautifully decorated everyone was proud of their creations. The children designed the frames after learning about what makes structures strong and practising standing structures up using triangles. The outcomes have been outstanding, with frames decorated with jewels and stickers and buttons and lollypop … Read more