The Surprising Stone Age

Maple Class performed their 'Surprising Stone Age' class assembly to the rest of the school today.  The conclusion was that although fun to learn about, Stone Age life was very hard! 

Maple class have a magnificent maths day!

Maple class have had a busy maths day today with a whole day packed full of fun maths activities.  We have been measuring height and plotting the results on a graph, investigating possible ice-cream flavour combinations and having fun with maths puzzles and games.  Professor Poopenschtinken from Magical Maths visited our classroom and amazed us … Read more

Maple Class travel back to the Stone Age

As part of their work in History, Maple Class visited Celtic Harmony Camp.  With the help of our guide, the class took part in lots of activities to help them experience and begin to understand what everyday life might have been like for our ancestors in the Stone Age. The children learned about how to … Read more

Alberto Giacometti inspired sculptures in Class 3

Class 3 have been learning about the sculptor Alberto Giacometti and discussing his work.  They looked closely at his individual style and took inspiration from his famous sculptures to create their own long-limbed, big-footed sculpture. 

Class 3 Assembly

Class 3 shared their learning about Ancient Egypt with the rest of the school today in their Class Assembly

Class 3 meet a Mummy

To enrich their learning about Ancient Egypt Class 3 visited The Fitzwilliam Museum in Cambridge.  First we were led to a huge granite statue of the Pharaoh Ramses where the children were given the opportunity to share what they already knew with an expert guide and to find out lots more!  They were all were … Read more

Looking closely at worms

Worms in Class 3 As part of their science unit, Class 3 have been learning about human and animal skeletons.  Today we were looking closely at worms and thinking about how they move and how their body is supported.  Everyone enjoyed getting close to nature and the children drew some fantastic diagrams of what they observed.  We … Read more

Class 3 Discover level ‘Arts Award’

Mrs Lowe has been working with Class 3 on their Discover level 'Arts Award' qualification. The children have found out about local 'Arts' provision and what the 'Arts' are.  They have talked about their experiences and who is their inspiration! The children each made an Arts Log book in which they have recorded their Arts journey. … Read more

Botanists in Class 3

This half term Class 3 have been looking closely at plants; specifically at the function of roots, leaves and flowers.  As well as growing our own beans from seed and watching our ‘pet’ Venus Flytrap produce a flower we have been carrying out investigations with geranium plants. One of our questions was:  Do plants need leaves to grow?  … Read more

Class 3 visit Cambridge University Botanical Gardens

Class 3 had a wonderful day at Cambridge University Botanical Gardens learning about plants from all over the world.  In the glasshouses we travelled the world via hot and humid jungles, dry desert lands and even to the top of the highest mountains.  In each different part of the world we learned about how plants … Read more