Cherry & Chestnut Home Learning Summer Week 4

Dear Parents, We are aware that some families may be finding Lockdown tricky.  The website below has lots of resources, films, stories and advice for both children and adults to support your health and wellbeing. Dear Parents and Children, We have been inundated and impressed with wonderful emails and examples of your work – … Read more

Home Learning Summer Week 3

Dear Parents and Children, Thank you so much for all of the wonderful emails, poems, stories and photos of your activities that we have received this week.  It is really lovely to hear from you and to know that you are all safe and well.  It’s really good for us to see what you have … Read more

Cherry & Chestnut Home Learning w/c 27.4.2020

Great work last week everybody. Try to do an English and Maths task every day. Here are some suggestions for other subjects. Again, remember this work is to help you and not intended to cause you anxiety. Choose subjects and tasks which you think you will enjoy. Please do email your teacher if you have … Read more

Home Learning w/c 20/4/2020

Dear Parents and Children, We hope that you have had a lovely Easter and are all keeping safe and well. Each week, we will now set you 5 English and Maths lessons and then give you a choice of 2 or 3 Foundation subject options to choose from. It’s important to try to keep your … Read more

Today is the last day for access!

Today is the last day that I will be emailing out Usernames and Passwords for Fiction Express and Languagenut until after Easter. If you want to make use of the books and language games over Easter, please email me by 5pm today (Friday 3rd April). If you have found any of your schoolwork hard … Read more

Cherry and Chestnut MyMaths – feedback

Hello everyone! Only two more days left of home schooling before the Easter holidays and it looks like you have all been working really hard!! I just wanted to let my maths group know that I have left feedback on your tasks. This can be found after you log on to your own portal. From … Read more

Fiction Express

Are you running out of books? I’ve now allocated each of you a Username and Password so that you can access the above website. (Chestnut Class we already read these sometimes so you know all about Fiction Express already.) New books are written half termly and you can vote as to how the story continues. … Read more

More Home Learning Ideas

Dear Parents and Children, We hope that you are enjoying your time at home and playing lots in the garden with your family. Try to keep your Maths and English skills going.  We will continue to send out Maths work each week. For English we imagine you are continuing to work on the Spag sheets … Read more

Maths Home Learning

Mrs Wheat’s Maths group – as well as the homework set on MyMaths, you may want to complete the home learning lessons on WhiteRose each day as this will help teach you the content. If the link doesn’t take you to the exact page, just go to Year 6 and it will! Listen to … Read more