Christmas Tree Festival

I’d like to say a huge thank you to the children in the 5/6 Christmas Tree Festival team who did an amazing job making the decorations for this year’s entry for the festival. Their brief was to create a magical ‘Jack and the Beanstalk’ pantomime tree to be displayed in the shop window of Wood … Read more

The Polar Express arrives in Chestnut!

The children in school have been working very hard on their Christmas performances over the last few weeks. We’ve all learnt some new skills along the way, with the children responsible for their own sound and lighting department! This year, the Christmas show will be a little different, but we hope you enjoy looking at … Read more

Christmas decoration making.

In DT this half term, the children in Year 5 and 6 have been designing and making Christmas decorations. This week we have been perfecting our pom pom making and wool crafting skills. Please enjoy some photos of our work below.

Prints inspired by William Morris

In art, we have been learning about the artist William Morris.  We used his artwork as inspiration to explore patterns in man-made and natural things around us before creating a design to print using poly block.   Everyone put in lots of effort which was evident in their art book. We think that their final pieces are … Read more

Unlikely Friendship Stories

Cherry, Chestnut and Rowan Class had the most fantastic time as authors and illustrators last week. We were so lucky to have Jessica Meserve – local author, artist and Mum to Rowan – come in to work very closely with the children. The week started with a whole year bubble workshop where Jessica explained to … Read more

PE this half term

This half term, we have been perfecting our skills in Athletics and creating a dance to the tune of Firework by Katy Perry. Hopefully, we will be able to download some videos of the finished dance routines. Click on the featured image to see lots more photos.

The Heart

Here are some photos for you to enjoy. They include the models of the heart which the children created using clay, photos of our experiment on diffusion and osmosis and our Heart Drama in the Activity Studio where we learned all about the double circulatory system and how our heart pumps oxygen around our bodies. … Read more