Making wartime biscuits for our trip to Duxford

With the help of Mrs Grundon and Mrs Parsons, both 5-6 Classes made wartime biscuits to take on their trip to Duxford. We used an authentic wartime recipe to make our biscuits. As food was rationed during the war we were restricted to the ingredients that we could use. These biscuits were Carrot cookies as … Read more

Wheelchair Basketball

On Friday 10th May, many of the classes got try some of the sports that were included in the Paralympics in 2012. The pupils from the two 5/6 classes got to experience Wheelchair Basketball. It was great fun and it enabled the pupils to see just how much strength, effort and skill is required to … Read more

Easter Pigs!

Rather than going down the usual route of Easter Cards with bunnies and spring flowers, the pupils in Class 5/6M and 5/6D spent some of their afternoon making Easter Pigs!We did try and convince the pupils that it was an often untold custom of some far off land, but they soon saw through this and … Read more

Eye of the Wolf

Saucepan’s Story – By SimonI was brought up in Yellow Africa. My first memory is the devastating war and destruction in the village in Yellow Africa. There was fire on the rooftops, it was a terrifying night, and how did it happen? The job I did was working for Toa the trader and help carry … Read more

Eye of the Wolf

Saucepan’s Story by Alex The first things I remember were explosions loud bangs and a woman shouting at Toa (my owner) to take a boy. Everywhere was on fire. The woman paid Toa to take the boy with everything she had. When we were traveling in the scorching desert Toa was cursing everything and everyone. … Read more

Eye of the Wolf

Saucepans’ Story by Richard Africa, a great place and a great boy too! I`ve got loads of memories about him. Starting with the scariest, and ending with the happiest. It was a terrible night. A village in Yellow Africa was on fire. It was war and destruction. The worst thing that can happen. Everywhere you … Read more

Eye of the Wolf

The Hyena’s Story by WilliamI used to eat goats, now I protect them. I used to eat the King of Goats’ goats but then there was a shepherd and he could talk to me. He told me I should not eat the Abyssinian doves, and he got me to leave them alone by giving me … Read more

Eye of the Wolf

The Cheetah’s Story by CharlieI remember being brought up in grey Africa. Time of my life! Tumbling about with brothers and sisters. Hunting goats. I was born free! But then as I grew older, I had to forge a life of my own. It was rough going at first, but then I got the hang … Read more

Eye of the Wolf

The Cheetah’s Story – By KieranI was born and grew up in Africa near an old shepherd. For years I’ve been hunting for his goats. I’m very good at catching. One day when I was creeping up to the flock pretending to be a snake when this boy called Africa (the King of Goats’ young … Read more

Eye of the Wolf

Saucepans’ Story by TomMy very first memory was when Toa and I were trying to escape from yellow Africa, because of the war, when the boy was sold to us by his mum. I was tired that day carrying all the trading goods so the boy was another nuisance to me. The sandy desert was … Read more