An exciting week for 5/6W

In 5/6W this week it has been exciting with the rehearsals for next week’s class pieces in front of the mum’s and dad’s. On Wednesday our class were sorting out the Christmas cards. In order to organise these, they are put in to separate piles according to the class written on them. Sorting out the … Read more

A Fiery Dragon

I am standing here in the shadow of a menacing beast. His eyes are filled with rage. I feel paralysed. A huge red creature glares at me with looks that makes me wish the ground would just swallow me up. His ruby-red scales look as sharp as daggers and his jaws seem as big as … Read more

Latest news from 5/6W

We had a long weekend as we had Friday and Monday off school. After returning on Tuesday we had literacy with a man called Mr Rylands to start the day. He brought us into the hall to learn more about literacy. This was very interesting as it developed our learning of the subject. On Wednesday … Read more

What an exciting week in 5/6W

This week has been quite eventful, once again, for Class 5/6W. First of all we had an exciting trip to Cadbury’s World in Birmingham. On Tuesday we had to be at school for 7:00am to gain an early tour. It took a long time to get to Cadbury’s World and we were all tired already. … Read more

Latest news from Class 5/6A

Craig gives us all an overview of the week in Class 5/6A. The atmosphere here at William Ransom has been as lively as ever since the children came back to school after half term. The topics being learnt in each subject have been pushing the students to the best of their ability. In maths everyone … Read more

Class 5/6W Weekly Blog

Lauren has written about the Girls’ Football Tournament. Girls Football Tournament The girl’s football team went out to Wilshire Dacre School to play a football tournament against lots of different schools. We started off by practising passes and some of the girls were having penalty shots against me in goal. The positions were: Lauren D … Read more

Class 5/6A Weekly Blog

Richard starts with an overview of the week This week has been great in Class 5/6A as there has been a wide variety of work going on in all subjects. In Literacy everyone wrote a short story with the title `Behind the Door` and in maths years 5 and 6 have been doing some tests … Read more

Class 5-6W travel back in time at Duxford

As part of our unit of work on Britain since the 1940s, both 5-6 classes went to Duxford for the day. Both classes travelled back in time to find out what it would have been like as a child during World War II. We all dressed up in wartime clothes and carried our gasmasks with … Read more

Wartime Biscuits

Class 5/6A enjoyed making carrot biscuits in preparation for our trip to Duxford. It has been an afternoon of baking to add a little authenticity to our lunches at the War Museum. Let’s hope they taste as good as they look!