Just Talk Week – Year 6

Have you ever shouted or snapped at someone because you were feeling upset or worried? Just Talk Week’s theme for 2022 is to ‘Look beneath the surface’, to be patient with others, as we can’t always know the challenges that someone may be facing. Year 6 focussed on kindness and wellbeing as well as learning … Read more

World Cup Slip Up!

On Friday 18th November, Year 6 (along with the rest of the school) were involved in a very exciting day of writing. Some children from Eco Club were out litter picking, when they found the World Cup! They reported this to Mrs Driver straight away and we had an emergency assembly, with a visit from … Read more

Year 6 GRIT

Some Y6 children have recently attended sessions focussed on growing resilience, alongside gaining some boxing skills. They had a great time! Check them out in action: More groups from Year 6 will be joining these sessions throughout the year.

Year 6 Netball vs Whitehill School

Two Year 6 teams played outstanding games of netball against Whitehill School on Wednesday 9th November. Both teams played outstandingly, resulting in an A team win (10-6) and a B team loss (2-1). Check out the fantastic match report below to hear more about it… Our thanks to Deeya for the excellent write up!