War Horse Drama

After reading War Horse, by Michael Morpurgo, the 5/6 Classes converted part of a chapter from the book into a playscript which they then performed in the hall in front of each other. The children chose a very emotional part of the story and there was some great acting on display.

War Horse Book Reviews

The children in the 5/6 Classes read War Horse by Michael Morpurgo.  They then wrote Book Reviews.  As you will see from their book reviews, the children absolutely loved the story.   Book Review War Horse by Michael Morpurgo Plot: Joey – who is a young horse – gets separated from his mother and then … Read more


In their computing lessons Class 5/6A have been learning all about blogging. They all decided to have a go. They had to think about their target audiences and what message they were trying to get across to their reader. Here are some examples of their work: William Ransom goes around the world Wow what busy weeks … Read more

Class 5/6A’s Visit to Buckingham Palace

Class 5/6 A thoroughly enjoyed their trip to Buckingham Palace last week. On arrival, we were all taken through security (feeling a little like we were at the airport!) before heading through the palace towards the learning centre. Here we met our guides who split us into two groups and then led us out to … Read more

Year 5’s turn their hand to inventing.

Whilst the Year 6's were out at the Legacy Games, the year 5's of the 5/6 classes had a go at inventing a new form of transport. Their objective was to design a new mode of travel using only materials they could find at home or school. In small groups, they first jotted down, sketched, … Read more

Class 5-6W visit Buckingham Palace

On Thursday 11th September Class 5-6W spent a day in London.  They went to visit the Royal Mews before spending the afternoon at Buckingham Palace. As part of our units of work in History and Literacy, we were lucky enough to visit London for the day.  We arrived in London at 10 O’clock and the … Read more

Class 5/6 A get involved in The Big Write

For the past two weeks, we have been doing The Big Write. The big write is all about different styles of writing. For example , last week we wrote to ‘Our Robot Family’. Here we wrote a creative piece of writing about what we thought was inside the factory. We had to imagine what we … Read more