French Calligrams

After tests in Maths, English and Science, we decided to have some fun with French phonics.  The children created calligrams in French.  Some children chose to create new species by putting two animals together – eg  chien + ecureuil = chreuil;  some children described how the colour of an animal made them think of something else … Read more

French Calligrams

After tests in Maths, English and Science, we decided to have some fun with French phonics.  The children created calligrams in French.  Some children chose to create new species by putting two animals together – eg  chien + ecureuil = chreuil;  some children described how the colour of an animal made them think of something else … Read more

French posters

Both 5/6 Classes recently completed a unit of work in French about their hobbies. They learnt to say which activities they like and dislike and also to use adjectives to describe hobbies. In the last lesson, they created posters using some of the language they had learnt.

Year 5 Maths

During our work in Maths, the children used squared paper to draw their names. They then drew a reflection of them in a mirror line and coloured them in to make them more attractive.  Here are some examples.

Exploring British Values

As an introduction to exploring British Values, Class 5/6W looked at what it means to be British. We then looked at our own sense of identity and created coats of arms to represent who we are.