
This week, the children in the 5/6 Classes have been exploring Macbeth through Drama.  Last week, they learnt some interesting information about William Shakespeare and the Globe Theatre as an introduction. In our first lesson this week, the warm-ups involved the children acting in pairs and taking on particular roles.  This proved highly entertaining but was … Read more

Andy Warhol portraits

This week, we had an incredibly inspiring talk by a famous artist – Andy Warhol came to visit!  We learnt a huge amount about the artist's life, how he lived and how he always wanted his art to stand out as 'different'.  Some of us were particularly impressed with the fact that, when he was … Read more

Class 5/6W does Circuits

In a recent PE lesson, Class 5/6W experienced a Circuits session.  Mr Sears ensured every muscle was being used with a range of different activities to strengthen our muscles and get our hearts pumping fast.  Have a look through the pictures to see how much the children 'enjoyed' it.

A Guide to the Law

During Feeling Good Week, Mrs Mackintosh came into school to spend the afternoon with the Year 6 children from both 5/6 Classes. The children took on roles to see a court case in action.  One of our actors had stolen an item from a local shop.  We then had witnesses, a police officer, the child's … Read more

Feeling Good Week

The 5/6 Classes had a fantastic day learning all about Road Safety during Feeling Good Week.  We had guest speakers who gave us some hands-on experience, showed us films and led discussions – the children discovered just how dangerous it is to use their mobile phones near roads.   Both classess then produced some posters to warn other … Read more

Class 5/6W Class Assembly

Our class assembly this term was almost entirely in French but we did have Freddie acting as translator for the keystage 1 children.  We gave information about France and talked about some of the things France is famous for. Then, we had roleplays about greetings, illness and  ordering food in a restaurant.  There were songs in French … Read more

Wartime Posters

In History, we are learning all about World War II.  This week, we have been looking at the posters produced to mobillise the British civilian population into supporting the war effort.  The children then produced their own versions.  Take a look.

Cadbury World

The 5/6 Classes went to Cadbury World.  Read some of their short reports about the trip.  Cadbury World On Friday 13th November the 5/6 classes visited Cadbury world  It was a long journey but we eventually got there and it was worth it! First of all, we queued up to enter the experience and we … Read more

5/6W Class Blog

Blog of the week Monday On Monday 5/6w split up for Maths, had an assembly then Literacy in the morning where Mrs Hall , Mrs Wheat and Miss Ayliffe taught us. We did lots of fun things involving Fractions, Decimals and Percentages. In English, we had to read instructions.  It was funny because we had … Read more