Keystage 2 Art Day

Chestnut Class had a fantastic day this week when Banksy came to visit.  The day started with an assembly where 'Banksy' told us all about what inspired him and showed us lots of his pieces of art work. Then, Keystage 2 were given demonstrations of drawing figures and objects.  We learnt a lot about how … Read more

Year 5 and 6 Poetry Slam

On Monday 19th December, Cherry and Chestnut Class took part in a Poetry Slam.  The children organised themselves into groups or chose to work as individuals.  They had written their own performance poems the previous week on a topic of their choice.  We had a huge range of topics and poems called: Siblings, Families, Santa Claus, Christmas … Read more

Class Blog by Harry and Roan

Roan and Harry’s Class Blog – This Week in Chestnut Class       This week in Chestnut class we have done many fun activities including: on Monday we did some blog posts for ICT; played a basketball match in PE; on Tuesday we found out what we were doing for the Christmas show ( the idea is … Read more

Class Blog

This week was filled with a variation of events. Firstly, we had the shoebox assembly which was where Andrew, a man our school has been working with for a few years who works with a charity called Hope For Life, came into school. We all got the chance to bring in a shoe box filled … Read more

Cherry Class become ‘Mathemagicians’!

On Tuesday 11th of October the school held Maths Day! Not only was it educational but fun too. Our favourite session was the paper aeroplanes. We made a symmetrical plane and then drew a symmetrical design to match. It was great fun and a perfect way to practice symmetry. After we made this we flew … Read more

Buckingham Palace

Cherry and Chestnut Class visit Buckingham Palace #2 What a wonderful time we had last Friday! Unfortunately the Queen was not in residence but we thoroughly enjoyed strolling through her home and getting to see many of her cars and carriages. Our favourite parts were discovering the secret door and seeing the royal thrones.

Our Trip to Buckingham Palace

Last week, Chestnut and Cherry Class were lucky enough to visit Buckingham Palace.  We had an amazing time visiting different areas of the palace, unfortunately we weren't allowed to take photographs inside the palace.  However, we also visited the Mews and have taken lots of photographs for you to see what we got up to. … Read more

The Battle of Marathon

As part of our History work, we have been learning all about Ancient Greece.  Over half term for homework, the children created fantastic Ancient Greek shields.  We put the shields to good use this week exploring Ancient Greek warfare. We studied film footage and pictures of the battle formation of a phalanx during the Batlle of … Read more

Rocket Seed Science Experiment

Class 5/6A received two packets of seeds in May. One packet was blue and the other was red. One of the packets had been to space with Tim Peake but we didn’t know which ones! It was part of an experiment to see if we can plant seeds in space in the future. Once the … Read more