Cherry and Chestnut Class visit IWM Duxford

On Friday 29th September, Cherry and Chestnut Class visited IWM Duxford as part of their history work on 'Britain Since 1930'. We had a great day learning all about life for people during World War Two from the Battle of Britain, to The Blitz, to The D-Day Landings. There was so much for us to … Read more

Secondary Transition for Year 6

Today, PHASE visited William Ransom to conduct a workshop with our year six pupils. The aim was to prepare them for their upcoming transition to secondary school. On Thursday we had a workshop with PHASE. They are a group who work with young people in Hitchin. They work on lots of different things and today … Read more


This week, we decided to do some singing and dancing after our PE lesson was cut short due to the rain.  Chestnut Class learnt the song and dance so quickly and impressed Mrs Hall so much that we decided to film it in the next French lesson.  Enjoy the video.

Ordering ice creams in French

After a few lessons learning how to order food in cafes and restaurants in France and a lesson learning the different flavours of ice cream available, the children in Cherry Class were given 5 minutes without any help, to make up a conversation ordering ice creams. Enjoy one of the short clips.

Outdoor Activities

Chestnut Class had fun while taking part in outdoor team-building activities.  They had the opportunitty to build dens, build fires and play team games. Perseverance was the main lesson when it came to starting a fire but several groups managed to get flames by working together to block out the wind. Den building saw a … Read more

A beautiful day in London to see The Lion King

Chestnut and Cherry Class had a wonderful day in London last week.  The day started with an informative walk around London, viewing some of London's attractions such as Trafalgar Square, Horse Guards Parade, Downing Street, The Mall and Buckingham Palace.  We had beautiful weather for lunch in St James Park surrounded by daffodils and took the … Read more

Story Telling Workshop

Following a great story in assembly, pupils participated in a story-telling workshop. In honour of World Book Day, we were lucky enough to be visited by a story teller who entertained us with a fantastic story in our morning assembly and then provided us with a workshop in the afternoon. We used the story to … Read more

Mental Wellbeing in Chestnut Class

Phase came into school as part of our Feeling Good Week and ran a session on Mental Wellbeing.  We took part in several activities to encourage mindfulness.  Here are photos of the children working on resilience by working as a team and  building the tallest possible towers using spaghetti and marshmallows.  At the end of … Read more

Mental Wellbeing in Cherry Class

Phase came into school as part of our Feeling Good Week and ran a session on Mental Wellbeing.  We took part in several activities to encourage mindfulness.  Here are photos of the children working on resilience by working as a team and  building the tallest possible towers using spaghetti and marshmallows.  At the end of … Read more