
Cherry and Chestnut Class have been studying the work of William Shakespeare. This week was all about Macbeth. Watch our video of the drama we've done.

French Role-plays

In Cherry and Chestnut Classes, we have been learning the vocabulary for clothes.  We then moved onto learning how to describe different items of clothing and how to buy them in shops.  The children in both classes organised themselves into small groups and made up their own role plays in French.  The only requirement was … Read more

World War 2 Day

World War 2 Day had a very different feel to it as the children and teachers came to school dressed in clothes suitable for the 1940s. Lessons were much stricter than usual.  The children sat in alphabetical order and were referred to with their surnames for boys and with Miss and their surnames for girls.  … Read more

Road Safety

During Feeling Good Week, Year 6 had a fascinating workshop all about distractions when walking near roads.  A lot of time was spent talking, in particular, about the dangers of mobile phones.  This was a  'hands-on' day with the children trying to cross roads while texting and discussing the effects of road accidents on everybody … Read more


In our work in PE, Cherry and Chestnut Class are tackling some Orienteering.  Each activity is designed to teach key orienteering skills and associated physical skills in an exciting and enjoyable way.  Teamwork and cooperation are crucial.  This task involved working in small teams in a race to estimate and measure different pieces of equipment around the … Read more

Wonder Drama

We have been looking at the book 'Wonder' by RJ Palacio.  The children have really enjoyed learning about the main character and some of the issues he has had to face throughout his life.  In one particular session last week, the children were given a range of bullying scenarios inspired by the events in Wonder.  The children … Read more

Christmas Cakes

As part of our work in Design & Technology, the children in both Cherry and Chestnut Class made Christmas Cakes.  They each weighed their own ingredients, mixed and baked the cakes before creating a design to decorate their cakes with. Thank you so much to Mrs Halliwell for all her hard work and the kind … Read more

Cherry and Chestnut visit Cadbury World

As part of their geography topic, Cherry and Chestnut Class spent an exciting day at Cadbury World in Birmingham. Our first stop (after an exciting few minutes in the shop) was to talk about the process – 'From Bean to Bar'. We learned all about how farmers in Ghana grow and harvest cocoa beans to … Read more