Save the Environment Rap

During English, Cherry and Chestnut Class experimented with creating raps. We then had a Rap Battle. A group of Year 5 girls won with their rap about caring for the environment.


As part of their R.E. topic of the Christmas story, the children made Christingles before lighting them outside in the playground.

Christmas sewing

As part of our Design and Technology work, the children designed and created Christmas Decorations for their Christmas Tree at home. Enjoy looking through their fantastic creations.

Festival of Languages 2019

The Festival of Languages was great fun again this year and Chestnut Class learned so much!  We travelled to Mexico, Turkey, two regions of  India (learning some Tamil and some Hindi) and to Slovakia. Here are some of the children’s comments: I learnt that they serve food on banana leaves in some parts of India and I … Read more

Local History Walk

Hitchin local history walk On Wednesday 10th July, Chestnut and Cherry classes went on a historical walk around a part of Hitchin. Here is some of what we learnt. Market place -The market place has undergone a lot of change through the years, but did you know its most successful use was lodging market sellers … Read more

River Oughton Trip

On Friday 5th July, Cherry and Chestnut Class went to River Oughton, which ran through Oughtonhead Common, to learn about rivers, our geography topic. We were put into groups of four, each group supervised by an adult who was responsible for driving their group to the area, and given booklets. When all the groups had … Read more

Courage Jars

Our School value this half term is Courage.  We decided to create recipes to help us find courage when we need it most. Have a read through some of our recipes and see if any of the ingredients work for you.