Four weeks in Year 4!

We can’t quite believe we are four weeks in to the year already and how much Year 4 have done in that time. Our English lessons have seen us working on our grammar and punctuation through a collection of fables. The children enjoyed having conversations as wolf and sheep and then using their original dialogue … Read more

Our day as Anglo-Saxons!

Year 4 had a fantastic day with History Off the Page learning all about Anglo-Saxons. They spent the morning choosing between a variety of activities from weaving to candle making and illuminated letters to jewellery making. Pottery skills were used to sculpt gargoyles, a pendant mould and rune stones. All of these crafts were interwoven … Read more

Beech’s Class Assembly

In the second half of spring term, Beech took to the stage to share their English work with their grown ups as part of their class assembly. They began by talking about our unit on Roald Dahl’s James and The Giant Peach which culminated in a visit to The Roald Dahl Museum in Great Missenden. … Read more

Quicksticks and Quidditch

Year 4 have enjoyed a variety of PE lessons so far this year. They kicked off the autumn term with football and gymnastics and then after half term they moved on to netball and badminton. The start of spring term saw them dancing their way to half term and getting familiar with the rules of … Read more

Religions in our Neighbourhood

For the past few years, Year 4 have taken advantage of what’s on their own door step and visited the different places of worship in Hitchin. After studying Sikhism and Christianity all year, they got to take a walk in to town to a gurdwara and a church where they got to see everything they … Read more

Year 4’s Anglo-Saxon day!

What a great day Year 4 had with History Off The Page! There’s nothing quite like immersing yourself in a topic and their Anglo-Saxon day certainly allowed them to do that. They started the morning by stepping back in time and turning their hands to a variety of different activities. They had the choice of … Read more

Designing Our Torches

Year 4 get to do a few different D&T projects each year but making torches is always the most fun. It is amazing what they can do with a plastic bottle, electrical wire and some decorative materials. With each of our Science lessons on electricity, they became quicker at assembling circuits and better at fixing … Read more