County Finals

Our girls football team did incredibly well this weekend. They went to the County finals, where they played a league format, winning both of their matches to top the league. They then had to play a final against the team in second place. This was an incredibly well fought match and was level at 1-1 … Read more

Football County Finals

Our A team took a trip to Watford last weekend for the County finals. They put in an amazing performance, which really impressed Mr Maranian and Mr Vincent. Unfortunately we were unable to reach the final but it was after 3 incredibly close and well fought matches. We are looking forward to taking the girls … Read more

Football is Poetic!

St Andrews Football Match An ear-piercing whistle signalled the start of the game, We all were eager to triumph and earn a bit of fame. The name of the opposition was St Andrews football team And everybody had their chests puffed up in self-esteem. Promptly, they started kicking the ball around, How could we possibly … Read more

The return of netball

This half term, we were very happy to restart netball club for Years 5 and 6. We had an amazing 46 children sign up and so far the children have had a blast! Year 6 have been working on improving their skills and knowledge of the game and we hope to have some match fixtures … Read more

Our Sporting Year & PE and Sport Premium

Despite a disappointing end to our sporting year, William Ransom have managed to have another incredibly successful year. There have been a lot of changes and we are very happy with all of them. The biggest and most important change has been the addition of Mr Vincent to our team . Mr Vincent has supported … Read more


We’ve had another busy week of fixtures with two home matches against Mary Exton and St Ippolyts. On Wednesday we continued our winning run with a 2-1 win over Mary Exton and then Thursday saw an incredibly close game end in a draw with St Ipps. Unfortunately the upcoming rallies have been postponed. We will … Read more

Dance Competition!

The dance girls have been working extremely hard since September on a dance for entry into a regional competition. Girls from Year 5/6 have given up many lunchtimes to come and learn the piece and worked incredibly hard on their timing and technique. Yesterday, we travelled to The Gordon Craig Theatre in Stevenage to take … Read more

Wix Cup Winners!

Yesterday our A-team took part in the Wix Cup final against Samuel Lucas. It was a perfect sunny afternoon, with a big crowd out to support both teams. This was a very tough match against extremely good opposition. We got off to a good start having a lot of the ball and making some good … Read more

Netball Match report

The netball team had two great matches last week against Highover, with the Year 6 team drawing 4-4 and the Year 5s (with a few bonus Year 6s) sadly finishing with a loss. Below are the match reports written by some of the team. William Ransom against Highover (Year 6 team) Netball : 26 February … Read more

Girls’ Cup Final

The girls team were away at Samuel Lucas for their Wix Cup final, in some awful conditions, yesterday. The girls worked extremely hard and got very muddy. They showed excellent determination and some really good passages of play. The game started poorly as we went one nil down very early on. For the rest of … Read more