County Finals of the ESFA competition.

On Saturday 23rd November seven members of the girls’ football team went to Harvesters FC to play in the County Finals of the ESFA Primary 7 a side competition. With no reserves to allow for substitutions, the girls had to play the two games in the group round back to back. The first game was … Read more

Last Netball Club!

Miss Khela, Mrs Thorn and Miss Cottee were very impressed with how the girls played today. They maintained their enthusiasm until the bitter end. It started to get dark very quickly, which is why today will be the last netball club. Ellen scored six goals today, so well done to you! Annabel also scored a … Read more

Success in William Ransom’s First Boccia Tournament

This afternoon, five pupils from Key stage 2 attended a Boccia tournament at The Priory School. Attended by 13 schools, the pupils were pitted against Pixmore Junior School and Kingshott School in the group stages. The game, which is related to pentanque and bowls is played with two teams of three players each. They each … Read more

Willam Ransom against Oughton in a home League game.

On Tuesday November 5th Oughton boys travelled to William Ransom to play one another for the second time this term, but this time it was a League game. As it was firework night and the Oughton team were depleted of year 6 boys the match was slightly shorter than usual. The William Ransom boys made … Read more

William Ransom football teams play away at Whitehill

William Ransom A-team footballers played away at Whitehill in a league match tonight. Having set up with three players at the back which was a formation we practised at football club, the boys played some really excellent football. During the first half they had many attempts on goal but somehow despite some great passing failed … Read more

Cross Country Competition

Despite early rain prior to the competition and heavy cloud threatening another downpour, the teams walked and jogged the course as a warm up and were given instructions about how the race was to finish. The course was very muddy but this did not deter any of the teams and spirits were high as the … Read more

A lovely autumn evening for the boys’ ESFA rally.

A bright autumn evening saw the boy’s football team at Wilshere Dacre for the ESFA rally. The games were played in two leagues with 14 minute games, 7 minutes each way. William Ransom played their first game against Samuel Lucas. This game was slow to get going and it was not until after half time … Read more

Girls’ ESFA football Rally

The Girls’ ESFA rally was held after school today at Wilshere Dacre School. Each team had to play three games in their group. The games were only eight minutes each way but all teams were eager to play football. The William Ransom girls played their first game against Breachwood Green, where a kick from the … Read more