Speed Stacking Club

This spring term club is for year 3 pupils for the first half term and for year 4 pupils for the second half term. It is an individual or team sport, for both girls and boys and involves stacking specialised plastic cups in specific sequences in the quickest time. Whilst enjoying the challenge, children learn … Read more

Football Club

Football clubs are offered for several year groups. On a Wednesday lunchtime in the autumn and spring term the girls have their own club and after school the boys have their club. Both of these clubs are for children mainly in years 5 and 6. From these clubs the school teams are selected.The teams are … Read more

Tag Rugby Club

This club is run in the autumn and first half of the spring term. It is for years 5 and 6 pupils to develop the skills practised in PE lessons and experience full games of Tag Rugby. The club will be run by an external coach therefore parental contribution is necessary. There will be a … Read more

Paralympic Club

This is an opportunity for year 5 pupils to experience some Paralympic sports. They will have the chance to try Boccia, sitting volleyball, table cricket and goal ball. The club is held in the hall on a Wednesday lunchtime for the second half of the spring term.

Sports Premium Funding

1. The government funding of £150 million per annum for 2 academic years starting Sept.2013-2014, 2014-2015 2. Extended for a 3rd year-2015-2016 3. To improve provision of physical education (PE) and sport in primary schools. 4. This funding – provided jointly by the Departments for Education, Health and Culture, Media and Sport – will be … Read more

PE Curriculum map

PE Curriculum map – medium term plans. Click HERE to download the KS1 PE Curriculum map as a word document. Click HERE to download the KS2 PE Curriculum map as a word document.

Girls win their Wix game against Purwell

With a cold wet start, the game was quite slow to get going but despite a rather heavy pitch Rachel finally scored into the bottom corner from a long throw in from Annabel. Rebecca was not daunted by girls bigger than her and defended courageously. Rhea also made lots of effort to attack the ball … Read more

Boy’s league game at home against Purwell

A league game for the boys tonight and all were raring to go. Unfortunately the Purwell boys were slow to arrive and due to poor light the girl’s game had to be played first. This was unlucky for Craig who had an appointment and was forced to leave without playing. Despite this disappointment Tommy stepped … Read more

William Ransom won the first heat of the Sportshall Athletics

On Tuesday 21st January the indoor athletic team participated in the first heat of the North Herts Sport Partnership Sports Hall Athletics Competition. The heat was held at Fearnhill School in Letchworth. The girls started with field events as everyone watched the boys compete in their track events. Despite a boys’ team that had to … Read more

KS1 physical activity sessions

On Friday 18th October all of Key Stage One took part in two sessions to encourage physical activity and competition. Indoor athletics involved the children taking part in a range of activities, such as speed bounce, long jump, javelin throw, balance and shot puts. For speed bounce, the children learnt how to jump quickly with … Read more