ESFA girls’ football

The William Ransom girls took part in the ESFA football tournament at Wilshere Dacre on Wednesday evening. They played 3 games in their group against Cockernhoe, Our Lady and Breachwood Green.  They drew all of the short ten minute games 0-0 which was a good result. As Cockernhoe had beaten Breachwood Green they went through … Read more

A and B netball teams away at Mary Exton

With a feel of winter in the air, both netball teams played away at Mary Exton.    Once again the Mary Exton A-team had two boys and this really made a difference to the game. It was feistier and the speed of the game was much faster. Mary Exton made the William Ransom girls look … Read more

Olympic Legacy 2015-2016

William Ransom has looked at the impact of the 'Sports Legacy' funding and set their goals for the new academic year. What is the impact been so far? Pupils and teachers at William Ransom have seen the impact of the Sports Premium Funding over the last two years. In order to get best value and … Read more

Solid result at home to Our Lady

William Ransom have gained some good momentum after a poor opening game at home to Ickleford. The chance to try some new things in the early season rally at Wilshere Dacre was very helpful for the team, as it gave Mr Maranian and Mr Sears the opportunity to find the strongest positions and formation. The tournament was also very … Read more

William Ransom v Purwell away netball match

A lucky break in the weather made it possible for this match to be played away at Purwell. With only an A-team Purwell also played two very strong boys. The game was very lively to start with as the William Ransom girls rotated from last weeks game, to play in two new positions each. The physical … Read more

Girls Early Season Football Rally

A slightly misty Saturday morning with the sun breaking through and the first ever early season football rally for the girls, held at Highover school. With eight teams in the tournament, there were seven games for each team to play. William Ransom girls made an excellent start to the tournament in their first game against … Read more

Cross Country at Princess Helena

Well done to the twenty children who took part in the Cross Country in the beautiful grounds of Princess Helena. All twenty children from years 5 and 6, girls and boys, started the race together with the children from five other schools.   Everyone completed the course with a smile on their face which is … Read more

First matches of the netball season

After a wet start to the day, it was a lovely evening for the first competitive game of netball, away at Whitehill.   The A-team girls were the first to play and with just one practice of 7-a-side, the girls made a sound start to the game. Whitehill were fielding one boy on the wing … Read more

League match against Ickleford

William Ransom A+B  VS Ickleford A+B On 16th September William Ransom faced Ickleford A and B teams in the first league game of the season. It was a wet and windy afternoon but both teams where eager to play football. William Ransom won the kick off but quickly fell under pressure just five minutes into … Read more