County Dance Festival

On Wednesday 6th of March, fifteen children from across key stage one and two travelled to St Albans Arena to take part in the County Dance Festival. This festival celebrates dance across schools in Hertfordshire. Each year there is a theme and this year that theme was ‘Art in Action’. Our dance centred round a … Read more

Recycled Fashion Club

Displaying the wonderful outfits they had created, our fledging designers glided down the catwalk on Saturday 2nd March at St Christopher's School. With only 5 sessions at school, the children had all worked tirelessly at home to ensure everything was ready for the show.  This year’s theme was ‘New Frontiers: Visions for the future’ and … Read more

Stacking success!

A team of four boys and four girls competed in the Sports Partnership Speed Stacking competition at Knights Templar School. Sixteen schools from all over North Herts took part in the competition. The boys and girls competed as separate teams this year. Each team had a few practises with a 3-3-3 stack and a 3-6-3 … Read more

Stacking success!

A team of four boys and four girls competed in the Sports Partnership Speed Stacking competition at Knights Templar School. Sixteen schools from all over North Herts took part in the competition. The boys and girls competed as separate teams this year. Each team had a few practises with a 3-3-3 stack and a 3-6-3 … Read more

Let’s Get Cooking!

During the Autumn Term, we had another successful Let’s Get Cooking Club. All the children demonstrated brilliant chopping skills and were all willing to taste and try new things each week. Mrs Mills and Mrs Halliwell were very impressed and here’s what the children had to say: Dylan – ‘Let’s Get Cooking was really good. … Read more

The William Ransom Orbit

I’m a Head teacher – Get Me Out Of Here! Goodness me, what an exciting term we have had! When I became a Headteacher nearly 12 years ago I never imagined this would mean that one day I would be sent down a zip wire at speeds of up to 100 mph! Facing your fears … Read more

William Ransom V Wilshere Dacre

On Thursday 18th October a group of 8 girls (the A-Team) played a netball match and beat Wilshere Dacre 13-1. Madeline was goal shooter and Phoebe was goal attack. In those positions you can shoot and Phoebe and Madeline shot 13 goals altogether. There was a lot of perseverance as they did not always get … Read more

Cup Double for William Ransom

This has been an incredible sporting week for William Ransom. Both the boys and girls won their football tournaments. The children’s match reports will be added to this post but it I feel it is very important to point out what an incredible achievement this is. Both teams gave their all of their effort and … Read more

Girl’s Football Rally

On the 29th of September a team of 8 girls went to Wilshere Dacre at 8:40 to play six 10 minute games. We played Wilshere Dacre and the end score was 1-0 to us and was scored by Tegan and assisted by our striker, Annie After that we played Our Ladys and scored by Tegan … Read more

William Ransom Vs Wilshere Dacre B Team

On Tuesday the 26th of October the William Ransom B team played against Wilshere Dacre B team. In the first half Kushad just got hit in the eye by Wilshere Dacre but he persevered and kept going. We got very far to the other end but their goalkeeper was fantastic in stopping all the shots. … Read more