Eco Team

We have started up a School Eco Team. First, each class nominated one person from their class to be their class representative. Some classes had so many interested children that they needed to hold a vote to choose their class rep! Eco Team now consists of one person from every class from Year 1 through … Read more

Athletics at Knights Templar’s School

We took a team of 20 talented athletes to Baldock after school today to take part against five local schools in track and field events. Every boy and girl gave 100 percent. We tried to get photos of the children competing but they just ran too fast for the camera as you will see! There … Read more

William Ransom Vs Weston

WR secured a spot in the Wix Cup Final today. It was an extremely close match but a well worked attack was finished off confidently by Josh, just before half time. WR managed to keep a clean sheet and book their place in the Final.

PE and Sport Premium

William Ransom PE 2018-2019 We have had an extremely successful year in PE at William Ransom, which has been helped by the PE and Sport Premium (PESP) funding we receive. Our football teams both went to the County Finals of the English Schools Football Association cup, after winning our district tournaments. The boys’ team also … Read more

The William Ransom Orbit

Anything Can Happen if you Let It! That is the message Mary Poppins gives us at the end of our summer show this year and I like to think this is the message we give everyone in school. Anything is possible for all of us and you can all be and do whatever you want. … Read more

Let’s Get Cooking Chicken & Chorizo Paella and Scones

Another amazing week with delicious recipes to enjoy. Time to hand over to our star cooks… "I made Paella.  This dish was the most challenging dish that I have made so far. To start, we had to chop up the vegetables which were: pepper, onions and tomatoes. Secondly, we peeled garlic cloves and crushed them … Read more

Let’s Get Cooking Fajitas and Lemon & Raspberry Muffins

With summer on its way, our recipes matched the mood of sunny and light. Over to our star cooks from last week, Anna and Rowan, to tell us about the dishes the group made. "We made Fajitas. We started off by cutting all the vegetables which were: peppers, chilli, lettuce, red onion, garlic, mushrooms and … Read more

The William Ransom Orbit

It is lovely that at last the weather is starting to warm up and there are some definite signs of spring! I have never known such a busy term in school! We have had World Book Day with lots of pupils dressing up as different characters. We had a group of children getting involved in … Read more

County Dance Festival

On Wednesday 6th of March, fifteen children from across key stage one and two travelled to St Albans Arena to take part in the County Dance Festival. This festival celebrates dance across schools in Hertfordshire. Each year there is a theme and this year that theme was ‘Art in Action’. Our dance centred round a … Read more