Rowan tag rugby tournament

This half term, Year 5 have been learning about tag rugby in PE. Mrs. Herbert has taken both Y5 classes for tag rugby and Ms Rowley-Jones has complemented this brilliantly with teaching both classes a Haka routine in dance. Both classes have worked extremely hard at learning both! Rowan class have finished their unit with … Read more

Orbit Winter 2022 Issue

We hope you enjoy reading the Winter issue of the Orbit magazine – written by pupils for the William Ransom community. The team have already started writing articles for the Spring issue – due out before Easter.

Year 6 Netball vs Whitehill School

Two Year 6 teams played outstanding games of netball against Whitehill School on Wednesday 9th November. Both teams played outstandingly, resulting in an A team win (10-6) and a B team loss (2-1). Check out the fantastic match report below to hear more about it… Our thanks to Deeya for the excellent write up!

Rowan Class Basketball Tournament

At the end of most PE units, all classes are encouraged to do a class tournament within the sport they have been learning about. This half term Year 5 have been learning all about basketball and we were (FINALLY) able to have our greatly anticipated class tournament last Friday. The class were split into 6 … Read more

Remaining Football fixtures

Please be aware that these are only the fixtures we currently know. There will be more fixtures added and these may be at short notice. We will of course try to give you as much notice as we can but we are often waiting for other schools and for results of other fixtures.  Date  Venue   … Read more

Our New Orbit Team

Welcome to this year’s new Orbit team! They are already busy thinking of interesting articles for you to read in the school magazine. Look out for their first issue which will be printed at the end of the Autumn term.

PE and Sport Premium

Sport at William Ransom 2021-2022 PE and Sport at William Ransom 2021-2022 has been a very mixed year for sport at William Ransom. We have done our best to get back to clubs as usual but unfortunately a couple COVID outbreaks did have an impact on our overall provision. However, we were able to get … Read more