Speed Stacking Club

This spring term club is for year 3 pupils for the first half term and for year 4 pupils for the second half term. It is an individual or team sport, for both girls and boys and involves stacking specialised plastic cups in specific sequences in the quickest time. Whilst enjoying the challenge, children learn … Read more

Football Club

Football clubs are offered for several year groups. On a Wednesday lunchtime in the autumn and spring term the girls have their own club and after school the boys have their club. Both of these clubs are for children mainly in years 5 and 6. From these clubs the school teams are selected.The teams are … Read more

Tag Rugby Club

This club is run in the autumn and first half of the spring term. It is for years 5 and 6 pupils to develop the skills practised in PE lessons and experience full games of Tag Rugby. The club will be run by an external coach therefore parental contribution is necessary. There will be a … Read more

Paralympic Club

This is an opportunity for year 5 pupils to experience some Paralympic sports. They will have the chance to try Boccia, sitting volleyball, table cricket and goal ball. The club is held in the hall on a Wednesday lunchtime for the second half of the spring term.

Badminton Club

This club was offered to any Key Stage 2 pupils who expressed an interest in badminton when the sports club survey was sent out to all pupils in the autumn term.The children enjoyed six weeks of badminton on a Wednesday lunch time for the first half of the spring term.

Lacrosse Club

This club is for years 5 and 6 pupils to develop the lacrosse skills practised in PE lessons and experience full games of lacrosse. The club will be run by an external coach and this year his fee is being paid for with the sports legacy money. There will be competitions held during the club … Read more

News from The Spanish Club!

There has been lots going on at the Spanish Club this term run by Mrs Ward. They have all learned their numbers to 100. They know the days of the week and the months of the year! They know how to say what the date is and how to tell the time! They have also … Read more

Orbit Competition Winners

Thank you to everyone in Key Stage 1 who entered the Play the Shape Game competition. We had some brilliant entries. Well done to Isla for cleverly turning the shape into a Center Parcs map, Carys for her Pixie and Leyla for her Landscape. They were all awarded a certificate and a prize in Achievers … Read more

Sports Premium Funding

1. The government funding of £150 million per annum for 2 academic years starting Sept.2013-2014, 2014-2015 2. Extended for a 3rd year-2015-2016 3. To improve provision of physical education (PE) and sport in primary schools. 4. This funding – provided jointly by the Departments for Education, Health and Culture, Media and Sport – will be … Read more