Welcome to the new Orbit team

This year we are celebrating our fifth year and we are all looking forward to writing some exciting articles which we hope you will enjoy reading. The new members of the Orbit team are: Wathaq, Abigail, Sam, Prerika, Sana, Srihan , Alex and Ema. We are always looking for new sponsors who would be willing … Read more

Sports club questionnaire due in by Friday 12th September

Thank you to the parents that have already completed and returned the sports club questionnaire sent out last week via your child. This is just a reminder that it is due in by Friday 12th September. I would really appreciate it if all parents could find the time to fill it in this year. As … Read more

Extra-curricular clubs start next week

Our extra curricular clubs program starts next week so make sure all permission letters are returned and money paid up. The children should all know what they are doing as the registers have been up on the sports notice board all week and I spoke to them all in assembly on Thursday. At William Ransom we … Read more

Caption Competition

Remember to get your entries in for our Caption Competition as featured in our summer edition. To enter simply write a caption to go with this photo of Mrs Driver and Dain fighting over the World Cup! Be as imaginative as you like. Post your entry in the box labelled 'The Orbit' in the Dining … Read more

Blast Off – The Final Frontier

The William Ransom Drama Club presented Blast Off at the end of the summer term 2014. We were delighted with the success of the show and everyone involved in the production had a great time. The show follows a ‘down-trodden’ Headteacher, Mr Jones, who builds a space rocket and takes a group of children up … Read more

The William Ransom Orbit

A Special Note from Mrs Driver: Time flies when you’re having fun! We must be having so much fun at school because this year has absolutely flown by! It has been another really busy but exciting year at school. We have had the most successful year ever with all the Sports competitions we have entered … Read more

Spanish Club

We have come to the end of another successful term of the Spanish Club; over the past few weeks we have learned about ‘La Familia’; how to introduce family members, talk about brothers, sisters, cousins, grandparents, etc, learned parts of the body and discovered how to talk about daily routine. A highlight this term has … Read more

Sainsbury’s School Games Day for Key Stage 1

‘A whole day doing PE’, is that what really happened?! Yes indeed the reception children and those in years one and two had a fantastic ‘festival of sporting activities’ organised by the new year five sports leaders. With class two out on a visit in the morning the rest of key stage one were divided … Read more

National London East Finals

On Wednesday 9th July the boys’ cricket team travelled to Cambridge to compete in the National London East Finals. This event was held at Clare College Sports ground in Cambridge. An early 8am start gave us a good run over to Cambridge where the boys were set to compete. With Norfolk and Sussex in their … Read more

Success with our Cricket!

On Tuesday the 1st of July a team of 10 girls went to Welwyn Garden City to play cricket. They were not only representing William Ransom but also our part of Hertfordshire. Their first match was against Cowley Hill. The score at the end of the match overall had a very big gap with Cowley … Read more