Fabulous flowers

Elm class have been learning all about plants in Science this term. This week, we found out how plants reproduce. We looked at the pollination and fertilisation process and identified the different parts of the flower.   We then made our own model flowers to show all the different parts.  We learnt that bees and other … Read more

Science Week at William Ransom

It’s been an exciting week of Science in school this week. Science Club set up an investigation to see how food changes over time. Everyone was able to visit the display over the week to see what happened. We found that some foods went hard while others went soft. Some went mouldy although the whole … Read more

Observing Worms in Maple Class

As part of our unit on Animals, we were observing worms today in Maple Class. We learnt that worms have hydrostatic skeletons, which means that fluid gives them structure. Worms move by squeezing their muscles so that they become long and thin. Then, they have tiny hairs which help to pull them through the soil.

Science Club

The Year 3 Science Club has been busy with a range of activities and investigations. We investigated chromatography in sweets by separating out the colours in the coating of different types of sweets. We explored forces and aerodynamics by testing different types of paper plane and paper helicopters to see how they flew and which … Read more

Circus Science!

Years 3 and 5 have been learning all about forces in Science this term and today had the opportunity to see forces in action in a Circus Skills show. Nick from Shooting Stars demonstrated his amazing juggling skills and explained how different types of force are needed on different pieces of juggling equipment: pushes, pulls, … Read more

Y6 and HGS Science

This year, we have been very lucky to welcome Mr Derrett, a Science teacher from Hitchin Girls’ School, for exciting Science workshops throughout the year. On Tuesday, all of the Year 6 pupils went to HGS to end this year with a bang! We were treated to a ‘Potions Roadshow’ to find out just how … Read more

Flower power in Year 3!

Year 3 have been learning all about plants in Science this term. We learnt how water is transported from the roots, up the stem to the leaves where some water evaporates. We acted this out to help us remember! We also learn about the different parts of a flower and how the flower makes seeds. … Read more