Our Christmas Reading Champions

Well done to all the families who managed to complete the 12 Challenges of Christmas. We were absolutely astounded at how many certificates we gave out in Keystage 1 and 2 assemblies this week. We hope you all enjoyed taking part. Here are photos of some of our Christmas reading champions and a couple of … Read more

World Cup Slip Up!

On Friday 18th November, Year 6 (along with the rest of the school) were involved in a very exciting day of writing. Some children from Eco Club were out litter picking, when they found the World Cup! They reported this to Mrs Driver straight away and we had an emergency assembly, with a visit from … Read more

William Ransom’s Exciting Writing Day

Friday 18th November was a day our children will never forget! Eco Club met up early with Mr Carmody to start the day with litter picking on the school field. To their utter amazement, they found the World Cup! The children ran in immediately to voice their astonishment to Mrs Driver, who rushed out to … Read more

Design & Technology

Intent Our Design & Technology curriculum is designed to inspire pupils to be imaginative and creative. We want our children to be inventive, resourceful and innovative and for them to be confident to take risks. We intend for all pupils to gain knowledge in the product design cycle, building on the planning and ideas, creation … Read more

Useful Website Links

Please find below a number of website links that are available to help support your child at home. EYFS Numberblocks – Sing along and learn all about numbers with the Numberblocks https://www.bbc.co.uk/cbeebies/shows/numberblocks KS1 Numbots – Practice and engaging gameplay to supercharge understanding and recall of addition and subtraction https://play.numbots.com/#/account/school-login/19912 Percy Parker – Learn your times … Read more

Maths Terminology

This list should support in the understanding of Maths terminology used in school. It provides an explanation of each of the terms used across the Key Stages.