Our day as Anglo-Saxons!

Year 4 had a fantastic day with History Off the Page learning all about Anglo-Saxons. They spent the morning choosing between a variety of activities from weaving to candle making and illuminated letters to jewellery making. Pottery skills were used to sculpt gargoyles, a pendant mould and rune stones. All of these crafts were interwoven … Read more

Ancient Greek Day in Year 6!

Year 6 thoroughly enjoyed their immersive Ancient Greek day just before half term! They arrived at school all dressed and ready to go. In the morning they were greeted by our host who introduced them to a range of Athenian projects. They spent the morning hard at work! In the afternoon we prepared dances and … Read more

Hazel class visit Shuttleworth

Hazel class enjoyed a trip to Shuttleworth to finish off their work on flight in History. They were able to see some old aeroplanes up close and enjoyed learning lots of interesting facts from the tour guides. They took part in a camouflage activity, ordered pictures on a timeline, had a ride in a vintage … Read more