The River Nile

Elm class have been learning all about the River Nile and how important it was to the Ancient Egyptians. We learnt that the Nile floods each year and, when the flood waters recede, they leave behind rich, fertile land which is perfect for growing crops. The River Nile was also important for irrigation (watering the … Read more

A visit from Captain Evans!

Holly and Hazel class were very lucky to have a visit from Captain Evans this afternoon. He told us all about his job as a pilot for EasyJet. The children were keen to ask lots of questions and were also allowed to dress up in some of the official uniform. What a great way to … Read more

Holly’s History Trip

Today Year One headed off to the Shuttleworth Collection to support our work on Pioneers of Flight as part of the History curriculum. We spent the morning doing a range of interesting activities. We experienced what it was like to sit inside an old passenger plane with nowhere for luggage and no toilet! The children … Read more

Year 5 Viking Day

Yesterday, Year 5 were lucky enough to take part in a whole day dedicated to our learning about Vikings! We had an amazing teacher, ‘Irik the Viking’, to teach us lots about many different elements of Viking life. He started with lots of interesting information regarding the Vikings first coming to Britain and the history … Read more

Back to the Stone Age

Year 3 had an amazing day, travelling back in time to the Stone Age at Celtic Harmony Camp. We had a packed day of activities, including den-building, making Stone Age soup, hunting, gathering and trading. We also saw demonstrations of flint-knapping and fire-making (but we weren’t allowed to try those ourselves!). We learnt a lot … Read more

Awesome Egyptians!

Year 3 travelled back in time to spend a day in Ancient Egypt. We’re sure you will agree they all looked the part in some amazing costumes. We spent the morning taking part in various activities such as making amulets, perfume, Shabti dolls and bread. In the afternoon, we split into groups. Some children were … Read more

Year 2 trip to Mountfitchet Castle

On Wednesday the 21st of June, Year 2 departed William Ransom to spend the day at Mountfitchet Castle. We had so much fun exploring the various parts of the castle that were on display and we all had a fantastic day. We also got to explore the toy museum which Mr Palmer discovered had a … Read more